2016 Alumni Exhibition: "Horror Vacui"

July 19 – August 5, 2016
In-person Event
Argus II Building
Open to the public
Free of charge
Each year, our Alumni exhibition offers an opportunity for Stamps graduates from across the country and internationally to share their current creative work.
The theme for the 2016 Stamps Alumni Juried Exhibition is “Horror Vacui”, commonly known as “fear of empty space”.
Work will be displayed at the Argus II building (400 4th St, Ann Arbor) from July 19 — August 6, 2016, during the Ann Arbor Art Fair (July 21 — 24).
We are very pleased to welcome Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD) Executive Director Elysia Borowy-Reeder as the juror for this show.
Exhibition Dates: Tuesday, July 19 — Saturday, August 6, 2016
Opening Reception & Award Ceremony: Friday, July 22, 2016, 6 — 8 pm
Argus II Building
Gallery Hours: Tuesdays through Saturdays, noon to 7 pm. Additional hours on Sunday July 24, noon to 7 pm. Closed other Sundays, Mondays and Holidays. Free Admission.
400 4th Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Grand Prize Winners
- Melis Agabigum – When you told me to “Go Long,” I should have asked “How Far?”
- Susan Moran – Black Hexagon
- Matthew Zivich – Overboard
Honorable Mentions
- Sarah Brennan – The Process of Forgetting
- Brent Fogt – Untitled
- Jack Lardis – Icarus Ascending
- Juliana Lew – This is why I’m so tired (This is why we’re so tired)
- Tad McKillop – Death
- TJ O’Keefe – F/G
- Michael Sevick – Self Portrait
- Sarah Wiideman – Untitled I & II
- Robin Wilt – Figuring it Out
- Katelyn Wollet – Alone
Melis Agabigum: When You Told me to “Go Long,” I should have asked “How Far?”
Melis Agabigum: When You Told me to “Go Long,” I should have asked “How Far?”When You Told me to "Go Long," I should have asked "How Far?" explores feelings of being haunted ...
Zera Anderson: Rest in Quietness
Zera Anderson: Rest in QuietnessWhen you rest in quietness and your image of yourself fades, and your image of the world fades, a...
Mallory Baran: Untitled
Mallory Baran: UntitledManipulating emptiness to create the illusion of space, Untitled, explores the idea of what empti...
Michelle Bien: Asylum, Abandoned: Selections from the series, “Beauty is Eternal: A Modern Renaissance”
Michelle Bien: Asylum, Abandoned: Selections from the series, “Beauty is Eternal: A Modern Renaissance”This pinhole photography captures the historic Northern Michigan Asylum, a vast network of Victor...
Dale Bogaski: A Portrait of a Phobic Moment
Dale Bogaski: A Portrait of a Phobic MomentDoes anxiety enhance emotional memory? No individual can escape fear. This figure, close to the e...
Patricia Bovich Caserio: View from the Hollywood Dell
Patricia Bovich Caserio: View from the Hollywood DellView From the Hollywood Dell shows the open space from my house to the ocean at twilight.
Anjali Boyer: Valence
Anjali Boyer: ValenceThis painting represents the period of space and time that exists before identity congruence: the...
Sarah Brennan: The Process of Forgetting
Sarah Brennan: The Process of ForgettingFor years the main theme in my work has revolved around memory, a vast and ever-elusive influence...
Paula Brown-Gray: Liquid Serendipity
Paula Brown-Gray: Liquid SerendipityI have been creating works of art in glass for many years. I find the process to be both exacting...
Chica Brunsvold (née Mary Willey): Checks and Balances
Chica Brunsvold (née Mary Willey): Checks and BalancesHarking back to my early training as an abstract expressionist at U-M, I begin my paintings non-o...
Melanie Buckner: Disposable Memory
Melanie Buckner: Disposable MemoryFear this: as a grieving family's questions trail off, unanswered - there is a horrible story to ...
Sheryl Budnik: Continue Upstream
Sheryl Budnik: Continue UpstreamContinue Upstream is the final work of my figurative series of three paintings, titled "Something...
Robin Bukovina (Khym): In Silent Spaces
Robin Bukovina (Khym): In Silent SpacesThe most feared empty space is silence, when our minds are left to fill that emptiness with endle...
Richard Burd: The Fall of Valencia
Richard Burd: The Fall of ValenciaPhotography is an art of observation. It is about having a perceptive eye and an instinctive resp...
Kent Caldwell: Precipice
Kent Caldwell: PrecipiceThis sculpture is built of 3D printed objects, found objects, and traditional sculpture materials...
Gregory Campbell: Playscape
Gregory Campbell: PlayscapeAny visitor to any formerly majestic industrial city might marvel at the reconfigured spaces open...
Theresa Choe-Herrington: Mugen
Theresa Choe-Herrington: MugenMugen in Japanese translates as "dream" 夢幻, or "infinite" 無限. The non-literal translation refers ...
Barbara Dinneweth: el baile morado
Barbara Dinneweth: el baile moradoThis work is about color and texture. Colors are seeping together, filling the white space, cover...
Celibeth Donnelly: Don’t be caught off card
Celibeth Donnelly: Don’t be caught off cardI graduated from the Art School in '98 with a BFA in metalsmithing and jewelry design and have al...
Christopher Edwards: #77 Regeneration
Christopher Edwards: #77 RegenerationThe torus - symbol of the voidless void.The seed - symbol of endless expansion.Who doesn't hate a...
Judy Enright: Aquamarine Music
Judy Enright: Aquamarine MusicIf we have an empty cupboard, we fill it. The same goes for an empty canvas. This work is from a ...
Brent Fogt: Untitled
Brent Fogt: UntitledI create labor-intensive drawings, collages and installations that explore ideas about organic gr...
Helen Geglio: Standing Amazed: The Illusionists
Helen Geglio: Standing Amazed: The IllusionistsThe Illusionists draws on imagery from my many years as an elementary art teacher. Working with o...
Diane Getler: Lost in the Tropics
Diane Getler: Lost in the TropicsI gain inspiration from disparate sources: worn man-made objects such as rusted metal and distres...
Ken Giles: zero-gravity & gravity
Ken Giles: zero-gravity & gravityThe photographs I produce speak to the perceptual narrative phenomenon embedded in the still imag...
Claudia Hershman: LAYERS
Claudia Hershman: LAYERSExperimentation and a love of color, shape, and geometric pattern are the focus of my process. Co...
Alexandra Hirsch: Slung
Alexandra Hirsch: SlungI make images on paper for exhibition and painterly art glass largely for architectural environme...
Ryan Hoover: I / O
DuWaine Hoy, Jr.: A Carnival Of Lights
DuWaine Hoy, Jr.: A Carnival Of LightsThe northern lights convey a sense of being at the very edge of the world and getting a rare glim...
Sarah Innes: Monahans
Sarah Innes: MonahansI worked on a painting of Monahan's fish market for eight months. During that time, I drew at the...
Samuel Knecht: La Passerella a Venezia
Samuel Knecht: La Passerella a VeneziaI divide my work between portraiture and landscape, painting in a realist tradition. While I pain...
Jack Lardis: Icarus Ascending
Jack Lardis: Icarus AscendingThe Greek myth of Icarus is expressed in this box sculpture with Icarus escaping from his prison ...
Antonietta Leeds: Noli Timere “Be Not Afraid”
Antonietta Leeds: Noli Timere “Be Not Afraid”Definition: SpaceThe god given area given to us to fill as we desireBe not afraid!Fill it!Like th...
Juliana Lew: This is why I’m so tired. (This is why we’re so tired.)
Juliana Lew: This is why I’m so tired. (This is why we’re so tired.)Drawing inspiration from a 2014 Huffington Post article authored by Soraya Chemaly, these ten wor...
Helene Lubin: Solitude
Helene Lubin: SolitudeSolitude and a sense of peace are often interlinked and difficult to achieve. One stays afloat in...
Marjorie Marshall: Revitalization
Marjorie Marshall: RevitalizationAmidst inner-city trash there are gems to be found... So, Dig!
Barbara Mastej: Junk Drawer I
Barbara Mastej: Junk Drawer II am a collector by nature and can't stop myself from seeing beauty in found objects, often thing...
Ian Matchett: Dialectic of Detroit
Ian Matchett: Dialectic of DetroitThe auto industry has been a titanic force in southeast Michigan, shaping and re-shaping life ove...
Janet McClintock: Totemic Whispers
Janet McClintock: Totemic WhispersEach square of a quilt defines an empty space that creates its own little world. Yet, it somehow ...
Tad McKillop: Death
Tad McKillop: DeathI began studying figurative sculpture in 1985 at U-M, after which I apprenticed for sculptor Loui...
Susan Moran: Black Hexagon
Susan Moran: Black HexagonI have a collection of linens that once belonged to my Great-Aunt Martha, who was a favorite rela...
Carol Myers: Deep Space:Galaxies
Carol Myers: Deep Space:GalaxiesEven deep space abhors a vacuum, and populates it with emerging galaxies.
TJ O'Keefe: F/G
TJ O'Keefe: F/GF/G explores the concept of an object creating its own environment; a figure creating ground. Rat...
Elizabeth Postmus: More is not Less
Elizabeth Postmus: More is not LessI like to compare and contrast the concepts of horror vacui and "less is more."Do these theories,...
Charles Powers: AFTER EDEN
Kayla Romberger: Spot the Sniper
Kayla Romberger: Spot the SniperTwo stacks of paper are presented in Spot the Sniper: one blank, the other sourced from a recent ...
David Rubello: Enigma
David Rubello: EnigmaEnigma Color Moves Series grew out of my Ribbon Series... continuing to explore ribbons of color ...
Cynthia Rusnak: Mademoiselle
Cynthia Rusnak: MademoiselleSculpture by its nature exists in space. It does not fear emptiness, but embraces it. Mademoisell...
J. Amadeaus Scott: Juvenile Delinquent - manslaughter and larceny in Oz
J. Amadeaus Scott: Juvenile Delinquent - manslaughter and larceny in OzMy artistic work germinates from my role as creative narrator, exploring relationships between id...
Robert Sedestrom: Amsler Grid Dream
Robert Sedestrom: Amsler Grid DreamLess is more sometimes; more often, more is more and then there is too much, which in some quarte...
Michael Sevick: self portrait
Katie Shulman: Revised Self Portrait
Katie Shulman: Revised Self PortraitI have started creating collages on un-carved woodblocks as a way to combine the two distinct pro...
Mark Sisson: Portrait of Daniel King: Scouting, For Men & Boys
Mark Sisson: Portrait of Daniel King: Scouting, For Men & BoysWhy would anyone draw or paint or create portraits or use the onerous and often unforgiving tradi...
Julia Smith: The Real Wi-Fi Of Baltimore
Julia Smith: The Real Wi-Fi Of BaltimoreThe Real Wi-Fi Of Baltimore offers a punny and nuanced view of ten Baltimore neighborhoods in a v...
Sundaravalli Sudharsan: Crystal Pool
Sundaravalli Sudharsan: Crystal PoolMy work seeks to celebrate the delight of living.Life's qualities of abundance, generosity, and o...
Martha Sullivan: Darling Starlings
Martha Sullivan: Darling StarlingsPerhaps it's not just a fear of empty spaces... maybe it's a love of closeness.I understand it's ...
Phyllis Swonk: WHO Will Fill His Boots and When
Phyllis Swonk: WHO Will Fill His Boots and WhenAn old pair of men's boots abandoned left me to wonder who they belonged to, where he had gone, a...
Mary Tobin: Calm Before the Storm
Mary Tobin: Calm Before the StormEven though I design with simple, graphic shapes, the total surface of my work is meticulously fi...
David Vail: Leaving the safe house
David Vail: Leaving the safe houseThe hand is trying to test the waters of the wide openSpaces. The fear is so great. The house has...
Shirley White-Black: Shadowed
Shirley White-Black: ShadowedI explore the linear qualities possible in clay and wire as I exploit the shadow elements to comp...
Sarah Wiideman: Untitled I & II
Sarah Wiideman: Untitled I & III seek beauty, metaphor, energy, revelations and poetic meaning in materials. All material has in...
Levester Williams: Double Up (Doubling)
Levester Williams: Double Up (Doubling)Tar, an unnatural mineral mixture produced through destructive means, functions in Double Up (Dou...
Robin Wilt: Figuring it Out
Ellen Wilt: G and E - Good and Evil
Jean Wolff: White & Black Diptych 2014-2015 (White Ptg 11_30_14/Black Ptg 1_6_15)
Jean Wolff: White & Black Diptych 2014-2015 (White Ptg 11_30_14/Black Ptg 1_6_15)My interest in systems and structure within a grid format is a systematic exploration of a struct...
Katelyn Wollet: Alone
Katelyn Wollet: AloneAlone was the result of my own path to comfort in being alone. When there is nothing other than y...
Paul Zenian: Untitled
Matthew Zivich: Overboard
Matthew Zivich: OverboardTo ensure complete coverage of my canvas, I used two iconic images spliced together to create an ...