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Graduate Admissions Events

Learn more about Graduate programs at Stamps at virtual and in-person admissions events.

People view an exhibition of MFA work at the faculty and graduate studios.

MFA Info Sessions

Learn more about the Stamps MFA in Art in a virtual presentation and Q&A with our program director and manager. Registration required.


National Portfolio Days

Explore the nation’s best col­leges of art and design at a Graduate National Portfolio Day event! You’ll meet with Stamps Graduate Admissions rep­re­sen­ta­tives, current Stamps MFA students, and alumni, who can pro­vide informal port­fo­lio reviews, dis­cuss our unique cur­ricu­lum, and answer any ques­tions you may have. All National Portfolio Day events are free and open to the public.

We're currently planning additional events: please check back soon for an updated schedule.

Get in Touch

Have a question? Use our online form to get in touch with a Stamps graduate admissions representative.

MFA Viewbook