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There are a number of ways in which the Stamps School of Art & Design encourages employers to connect with Stamps students.

Posting a Job/​Position

The Stamps School is a part of the University Career Center’s Handshake” posting system. To post a full time, part time or internship opportunity, please use your Handshake account. If you are a new user, create an account on Handshake, then find University of Michigan among the schools and Request Approval.” Once we’ve confirmed the request, you may post positions for our students. View a tutorial from Handshake on the step by step process of creating your user account here.

Stamps continuously strives to further a climate of inclusivity and diversity. With this goal in mind, we encourage you to include in your posting your organization’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) statement and/​or how you value DEI in your organization’s hiring.

For all other opportunities (calls for work, freelance, etc.) please send the posting or an email with the following information to our career development team:

  • Brief description of the position/​project
  • How, and what, students should submit for your consideration
  • Deadline for submissions/​application
  • Compensation involved

For specific information on how to arrange credit for an internship, please see Stamps School of Art & Design Internship Policies.

Recruiting on Campus

To recruit on campus, please start by contacting our career development team to arrange for the following:

  • Submission of resumes/​portfolios
  • Date for visit (must be on a Friday)

Portfolio Expo

Every February, employers have the opportunity to meet with Stamps students to evaluate their portfolios, give constructive feedback, and at the same time find new talent. To be added to the list of participants, please contact our career development team.

Become a Mentor

Not hiring, but want to stay connected to Stamps?

Help students understand the importance of networking, creating effective self-promotion tools, honing skills, providing support outside the classroom, etc.

To become a men­tor, please con­tact our alumni relations team at stampsalumni@​umich.​edu.