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Apply: MFA

MFA Application Deadline for Fall 2024 Admission:
Friday, January 52024

The admissions process for the MFA in Art at the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design is highly selective. Approximately 8 new students join the program each year. Applicants will hold a bachelor’s degree, preferably in art, and demonstrate the ability to carry out independent creative work. In addition, they will have a strong educational background, an interest in interdisciplinary inquiry, and substantive life experience to draw from in charting new directions for creative practice.

Application Instructions

Stamps graduate programs are part of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, and admission to the Stamps School of Art & Design requires concurrent admission to Rackham. Application materials must be submitted to both Rackham and the Stamps School as outlined below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit the MFA FAQ for detailed information on the MFA program, including specific questions about financial aid, completing your application, and checking the status of your submitted materials.


After admis­sions mate­ri­als are reviewed, top appli­ca­tions will be inter­viewed via video con­fer­ence in mid-Feb­ru­ary. Final can­di­dates will be deter­mined after the inter­view process, and admis­sion deci­sions will be announced mid-March.