2016 Student Awards

The Stamps School is pleased to announce the recipients of the Stamps Class of 2016 Student Awards, presented as part of the commencement ceremony on Saturday, April 30, 2015.
MFA Thesis Exhibition Awards recognize outstanding creative work as evidenced in the candidate’s MFA thesis exhibition, as selected by jurors Lumi Tan (curator at the Kitchen, NYC) and Gregory Volk (writer, critic and professor, VCU).
- Ned Dybvig Memorial MFA Thesis Exhibition Award: awarded to Alisa Yang for Sleeping with the Devil and Please Come Again
- Honorable Mentions: Carolyn Clayton for Chain of Contagion, Sanghun Yoo for Unoriginal Original
The Gorman Award recognizes a graduating senior who has excelled beyond all others in scholarship, service, leadership, and creative work. The award is made possible through the generous support of Debra and Steve Gorman.
- Beatriz Lozano
Integrative Project Awards recognize outstanding student Integrative Projects, judged in the entirety of the process — the concept, the research, the work, the finished product, the thinking and rethinking, making and remaking.
- Alexa Borromeo
- Emma Covode
- Nikki Horowitz
- Sidney Krandall
- Ellen Manson
- Mona McKinstry
- Hayden Nickel
- Carolyn Rodgers
The BA Capstone Award recognizes an outstanding student BA Capstone project, judged in the entirety of the process — the concept, the research, the work, the finished product, the thinking and rethinking, making and remaking.
- Raj Brueggermann
The Candy R. Wei Prize for International Study recognizes seniors who demonstrate how their international study experience changed or influenced their work as an artist or designer. The prize is funded in memory of Stamps student Candy Wei.
- Nikki Horowitz
- Soon Ju Kim
- Mona McKinstry
- Dustin Park
- Elizabeth Pearlman