Beili Liu Honored as 2018 Texas State Artist

On May 17, the Texas State Legislature introduced Texas House Resolution 2132, a bill honoring Stamps alumna Beili Liu (MFA 2003) as the 2018 State Three-Dimensional Artist.
WHEREAS, Named the 2018 State Three-Dimensional Artist, Beili Liu uses common materials and elements to create installations that explore complex cultural issues; her work has been exhibited throughout Asia, Europe, and the United States by such institutions as the National Museum for Women in the Arts, the Chinese Cultural Foundation, and the Norwegian National Art and Cultural Center; she has been honored with a 2016 Joan Mitchell Painters & Sculptors Grant, a Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Artistic Innovation and Collaboration Grant, and a San Francisco Mayor’s Award for her contributions to cultural exchange; a native of Jilin, China, she holds a master’s degree from the University of Michigan and is currently a professor of art at The University of Texas at Austin; and
WHEREAS, The artists who have been selected to these prestigious posts have all greatly contributed to the vibrant cultural life of the Lone Star State, and Texas is indeed fortunate to be home to these talented individuals; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate the 2018 Texas State Artist honorees and extend to them sincere best wishes for continued fulfillment in their creative endeavors.