Brian Schorn: Resident Artist in Silver City, Nevada

During the summer and fall of 2015, Brian Schorn (MFA 1987) was the Resident Artist in Silver City, Nevada. Silver City is a small, vibrant community located at the epicenter of the 1860s Comstock Lode. While living and working in a geodesic dome built by artist Jim McCormick, Brian developed a new body of work composed of found and natural materials collected from the desert. He also contributed to the community by offering studio visits and a variety of workshops, as well as the curation and design of a community exhibition.
After the residency, Brian’s new work, entitled Comstock Wabi-Sabi, was exhibited in solo exhibitions at St. Mary’s Art Center in Virginia City, NV and 50 West Liberty Street in Reno, NV. Erich Obermayr, owner and lead author at Historic Insight, declared, “Brian’s work knocked my socks off. Simply put, this is high-level work of an artist and craftsman who knows what he is doing.”
Traveling across the country for this residency, Brian took the opportunity to hike and camp in numerous National Parks including Glacier, Craters of the Moon, Great Basin, Death Valley, Saguaro, Big Bend and Mammoth Cave. In these wilderness experiences, he seeks to strengthen the relationship between art, nature and spirituality.
Resident Artist in Silver City Has a New Exhibit That Will “Knock Your Socks Off” | SilverCityReads