Endi Poskovic Exhibits and Lectures in Warsaw, Poland

On the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Polish-American Fulbright Program, Stamps Professor Endi Poskovic has been invited to Poland to present a series of public lectures at universities and art academies in Warsaw and Łódź. They include: the Medical University of Warsaw, the Polish-American Fulbright Comission, the Academy of Arts in Lodz, and the Academy of Arts in Warsaw. Poskovic’s work is also included in the Anniversary art exhibition.
Since 2000, Professor Poskovic has actively traveled to Poland to conduct research, teach and lecture at universities and academies, as well as exhibit his work at numerous venues throughout the country. Professor Poskovic was a Senior Fulbright Research Scholar to Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland during 2015 – 2016 academic year.