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Joey Ostrander: Toronto International Film Festival

Detroit Unleaded, a feature film by a team that includes Production Designer Joey Ostrander (BFA 2007), will première at the Toronto International Film Festival on Sunday, Sept 9th2012

The film was produced and filmed locally in Detroit, Dearborn, and other locations across the metro area. Some of the major design tasks included: completely redesigning and remodeling an abandoned Detroit gas station from the inside out, stripping and redecorating an entire Dearborn home for the story’s central Arab-American family, and resurrecting a vintage rural gas station that hadn’t operated in decades. Primary locations were redesigned twice to exist during two time periods separated by 10 years.

Film Website: http://​www​.detroitun​leaded​.com/
TIFF film page: http://​tiff​.net/​f​i​l​m​s​a​n​d​s​c​h​e​d​u​l​e​s​/​t​i​f​f​/​2012​/​d​e​t​r​o​i​t​u​n​l​eaded