Justin Finkelman Profiled in Small Business Trends

Justin Finkelman (BFA ‘11) was recently interviewed for a feature article in Small Business Trends, an award-winning online publication for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and the people who interact with them.
Finkelman, founder of the customizable clothing company Fitness Wear, provides Small Business Trends readers with pertinent tips on personalized communications, hiring, and learning from your mistakes.
“It’s hard sometimes to see from the customer’s point of view but if there’s an issue where it comes to the question ‘is the customer always right?’ The answer is going to be yes,” Finkelman says. “And that’s because if you’re put in that position it’s most likely because you didn’t think about that problem before it occurred. You know, you have to think about every single thing that can happen during the process of an order and make sure it doesn’t become a problem before it occurs.”
Read the full interview: https://smallbiztrends.com/2017/12/deliver-excellent-customer-service.html