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Linda Lapinski: OPIS Task Force

Burn can see middle lake

Linda Lapinski (BFA 1987) is the President of a non-profit organization, Oakland Phragmites & Invasive Species (OPIS) Task Force. The mission of the Task Force, which Lapinski started with her partner, Emily DuThinh, is to protect the quality of Oakland County’s lakes, streams and wetlands-preserving them for future generations from non-native invasive species. By empowering concerned citizens and government through education, advocacy and action, OPIS is working to control the spread of Phragmites and other non-native invasive plants. 

In April 2014, OPIS was awarded by the Clinton River Watershed Council the Johanna Roskopp Award. This award was presented to OPIS for its recent outstanding contributions to protecting, enhancing and celebrating the Clinton River, its watershed and Lake St. Clair. 

Oakland Township joins fight against phragmites