Parisa Ghaderi Featured in Focus Iran 2: Contemporary Photography and Video

Work by Parisa Ghaderi (MFA 2014) is featured in Focus Iran 2: Contemporary Photography and Video, on display at The Craft & Folk Art Museum in Los Angeles from January 29 to May 7, 2017.
Parisa Ghaderi’s work at The Craft & Folk Art Museum (CAFAM), LOS ANGELES — as part of Focus Iran 2: Contemporary Photography and Video,
Focus Iran 2: Contemporary Photography and Video, the second biennial juried exhibition of contemporary photography and video works relating to Iranian culture or heritage, features an international selection of emerging and mid-career artists from around the world who offer diverse perspectives of contemporary Iranian life.
The international jury panel selected artists residing in countries such as Iran, the United States, the Netherlands, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Focus Iran 2 democratizes the art form of image making by giving novices and professionals an equal opportunity to offer distinctive visions of Iran from both inside and outside the country. Offering a unique point of access and convergence, this juried Focus Iran 2 provides a rare collection of perspectives from citizen journalists, personal archivists, and vernacular storytellers who are connected to Iran either by heritage or deeply felt admiration.
Focus Iran 2: Contemporary Photography and Video
Exhibition Dates: January 29 to May 7, 2017
Opening Reception: January 27, 6 — 10 pm
The Craft & Folk Art Museum (CAFAM)
5814 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles CA