Presentation - Displacements: Stamps Faculty in Beijing

Displacements: Stamps Faculty in Beijing
Presenters: Guna Nadarajan, Cynthia Pachikara, Heidi Kumao, and Jim Cogswell, Stamps School, U‑M
12 — 1 pm, Wednesday, March 25
Vandenberg Room, Michigan League
In October 2014, four representatives of the Stamps School of Art & Design traveled to Beijing to install a Stamps faculty exhibition in the Art Department Gallery at Renmin University. Dean Guna Nadarajan, along with Stamps faculty Cynthia Pachikara, Heidi Kumao, and Jim Cogswell, will give a brief presentation about that journey, the rationale for the exhibition, the interactions with faculty colleagues at Renmin, and the rich experience of that brief encounter with Chinese culture.