Red Crossing by Roland Graf + Nick Tobier in Germany

Red Crossing, a project created by Stamps Associate Professor Roland Graf, Stamps Professor Nick Tobier, and Jennifer Low (MDes’20), will appear on Elias Holtz Platz, Augsburg, Germany on October 15 and 23, 2022.
Red Crossing is a participatory public performance centered on a red walkway that can be lifted like a life-saving net allowing pedestrians to float a few feet above the ground. Red Crossing challenges the assumptions of human movement and flow through public space. It seeks to create physically and socially intelligent structures that facilitate cooperation, emotional release and transcend the expectations of urban geography and infrastructure as fixed.
Come join the RED CARPET campaign – A broad textile area is held in tension by a coincidental group of people such that it can carry one person. Experiencing solidarity and conditional dependence on each other, but also the power one can develop when you ‘pull together’. 86150 Augsburg, Elias Holl Platz (behind the town hall). Saturday the 15th October 2022, 13:00 h. Duration is about 1 hour. Incase of inclement weather: Sunday, 23rd October 2022, 13:00 h. Please register under. Participate at your own risk. We are looking forward to seeing you! #solidaritaet #utopiatoolbox #kunstaktion
RED CARPET Aktion zum Mitmachen von Nick Tobier, UTOPIA TOOLBOX, Detroit Eine textile Fläche wird von einer Gruppe Menschen so in Spannung versetzt, dass sie eine Person tragen kann. Das Erleben von Solidarität und bedingter Abhängigkeit voneinander, aber auch der Kraft, die man entwickeln kann, wenn man ‘am selben Strang zieht’. 86150 Augsburg, Elias Holl Platz (hinter dem Rathaus). Samstag, 15. Oktober 2022, 13:00 h. Dauer etwa 1 Stunde. Ausweichtermin bei schlechtem Wetter: Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2022, 13:00 h. Wir bitten um Anmeldung unter. Die Teilnahme erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr. Wir freuen uns auf euch!