Susan Skarsgard Speaks at Celebrate Michigan Design

AIGA Detroit Presents Celebrate Michigan Design on March 25 at the Crofoot Ballroom, Pontiac, Michigan. An exciting night of informative presentations and informal festivities, featuring A&D alum Susan Skarsgard, Julie Lang, and Jody Levy.
They say that Michigan was down for the count. What did they know? Michigan is coming back with a full tank of moxy. Now more than ever, we should celebrate design as a vital engine in our state’s on-going recovery.
That’s what we’ll be doing on March 25th at the Crofoot Ballroom in Pontiac. We hope that you will join AIGA Detroit for Celebrate Michigan Design, an exciting night of informative presentations and informal festivities. This is a unique opportunity not only to look back at our history for inspiration but also to toast Michigan design as the magnificent force of innovation it continues to be.
Featuring lectures from local designers: Julie Lang, Jody Levy and Susan Skarsgard. Music by DJ Jimmy Edgar and motion graphics by Scott Waraniak and Stephen Panicara, Silkscreening demo by Progress of Design, Gallery show by the Silent Giants, Michigan themed merchandise by Handmade Detroit and Angela Duncan. Hors d’ourves and cash bar immediately following presentations.
AIGA’s mission is to advance design as a professional craft, strategic tool and vital cultural force. Through events, programs and initiatives, AIGA Detroit is
demonstrating the value of design to businesses and the power of design in our culture. The Detroit Chapter is committed to the
continued growth of an already vibrant, creative community and a rich design history here in Michigan.
For more information regarding this event, please visit