Wake Coulter & Sonia Tagari: Sweetland Writing Awards

Stamps students William Wakefield Coulter (BA ‘17) and Sonia Tagari (Dual Major, BS in Neuroscience and Stamps BFA ‘16) recently were named U‑M LSA Sweetland Center for Writing award winners.
Coulter was awarded the Granader Family Prize for Excellence in Upper-Level Writing, Humanities, for “Freeway in the Garden” (written for ARTDES 399). Tagari was awarded the Granader Family Prize for Excellence in Upper-Level Writing, Social Sciences, for “Drought in California as a Continuation of High Modernism,Utilitarianism and Social Inequality” (written for AAS322/Environ 335).
Sweetland and the English Department Writing Program offer prizes for student writers in LSA. Sweetland’s prizes include: the Granader Family Prize for Outstanding Writing Portfolio, the Matt Kelley/Granader Family Award for Excellence in First-Year Writing, and the Granader Family Prize for Excellence in Upper-Level Writing. These prizes are awarded annually in the winter term, and winning entries are published both digitally and in hard copy to showcase excellence in writing across the College. Instructors nominate student writing for each of the prizes. Learn more about nominating a student.
This year’s Writing Prize ceremony will be held on Tuesday, April 19th from 10 — 11 am in North Quad, Space 2435.