Watermill Center: Summer Program Opportunity

A new partnership between the Byrd Hoffman Watermill Foundation and the University of Michigan Stamps School of Art & Design creates a U of M dedicated post which will allow students to apply for and participate in The Watermill Center Summer and Residency Programs as a key component of their undergraduate experience. Organized through the Penny Stamps Series and the Witt Visiting Artist Program at the Stamps School, the partnership exchange also includes shared programming for speakers, curators, and exhibitions, as well as the presentation of work developed during Watermill residencies.
For the University of Michigan Stamps School of Art & Design, The Byrd Hoffman Watermill Foundation offers an unprecedented opportunity for its students to experience and learn from the most talented creative practitioners and engage in creative collaborations of their own design at the laboratory facility on the East End of Long Island. The Foundation operates The Watermill Center, an organization founded by theater practitioner Robert Wilson to provide a supportive environment for those emerging artists who embrace avant-garde, multidisciplinary approaches to explore new ideas and foster their career development.
Learn about the program, review application guidelines, and apply here.