William Dennisuk Installation on North Campus Is Complete

We’re pleased to announce the installation in the Lurie Reflecting Pool of Phase One of the Vessels Project, a temporary bronze sculpture by environmental installation artist and School of Art & Design Witt Residency Fellow William Dennisuk.
This is a beautiful installation and should offer a great photo spot for graduating students!
The work will be in place through the summer and fall and will be removed late October/early November.
Follow this link for more information on the residency: http://art-design.umich.edu/witt/
Vessels is a public art initiative drawing attention to our relationship with water and, by extension, the larger environment. The central motif of the project, a vessel-like form — evocative of figure and container — appears suspended on the water’s surface. This, together with the open mesh of the sculptural forms, suggests how subtle, delicate — and at present how strained — is the balance between ourselves and the environment.