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Image shows a hand-sewn off white stuffed human heart, embroidered with various different flowers on the front. The heart sits in an entirely off-white background. It is alone in the center of the frame. The image feels serious.


Marissa Woods

Soft Sculpture

My artworks focus on gender roles, familial ties, and sustainable practices. This piece represents the gender roles and talents that are passed down through different generations of women. My great-grandmother taught me how to sew and embroider growing up. My work takes these familial traditions and uses them in a way that can be perceived as beautiful. Women make these connections amongst one another and use them to their advantage, even with gender role confinement throughout history. My artwork combines hand sewing and embroidery to create something to represent the compassion these women feel towards one another. Including the stuffed animal was a choice in the representation of the infantilization of women. With my art, I want to show women that feminine crafts or artwork can be significant. These art forms can be progressive and don't need to be boxed into a “women's sport”