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Pictured is 4 large charcoal drawings toned sepia with gouache depicting each of the artist's family members. The pictures are detailed abstract collages that amalgamate nostalgic images of her family members.


Alex McRill


Find an old box. Look pictures. Old family pictures. Physical pictures. Been awhile. Old times. Seems far away. Nostalgia makes the old seem perfect. Disrupt that feeling. Everything that is old is new again when the old is the same as the current. Take pictures. Only the best parts. Cut them up. Stretch. Shrink. Warp. Distort. Dismember. Remember. Disfigure. Refigure. Disfiguring until it's figurative. Painstakingly recollect as I replicate. Look. Look. Look again. Make the new old looking. Finish. Take a step back. Don’t look back. Move on. Look ahead. Ignore the confusion. It means something. Display.