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Fab 1: Wood and Metal

ARTDES 215.001, Fall 2023


Credit Hours: 3
Course Fee: $200
Instructor(s): Marshall, John
Semester: Fall 2023
Schedule: TueThu 2:00p-4:15p
Location: 1258

Prerequisites: All OF THE FOLLOWING: ARTDES 120: Studio: 3D.

Description: This studio course focuses on developing the fundamental skills of cutting and joining wood and metal to create accurate, complex, physical objects. Such skills are employed by model makers, product designers, prop makers, sculptors, prosthetic builders, and roboticists. This course emphasizes hand skills, safe process, and accuracy. Instruction includes shop safety, selection of materials, hand and power tool use, joinery, welding, manual milling, detailing, and finishing. Course work helps students to develop the skills necessary to understand the basic principles of construction, including structure, safety, and intended use. Students have the opportunity to synthesize what they have learned into a cohesive project.

Frequency: This course is typically offered in the fall term of odd-numbered years, though scheduling may vary according to future term circumstances.