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Comics/Graphic Narrative

ARTDES 336.001, Fall 2023


Credit Hours: 3
Course Fee: $150
Instructor(s): Gloeckner, Phoebe
Semester: Fall 2023
Schedule: MonWed 2:00p-4:15p
Location: 1420

Prerequisites: All OF THE FOLLOWING: ARTDES 270: Visualizing and Depicting Ideas.

Description: In Comics/​Graphic Narrative, we examine a variety of comics literature and precursors to modern comics” forms. You will create comics in different formats (single panel, strip, and multi-page) in a variety of media. We will have several guest cartoonists visit over the semester. To participate in this course, you should be adept at drawing (on paper & electronic devices). Good figure drawing skills are a must. An aptitude for design is a plus. You should have good writing skills and be well-read (literature of any sort). The prerequisite for this course is ARTDES 270 — Visualizing & Depicting Ideas. If you haven’t taken 270 but feel you have the requisite skills, you can send a portfolio of your work to the instructor supporting your ability to succeed in Comics/​Graphic Narrative. NOTE: In the context of the courses offered at Stamps, the difference between an illustrated book” and a comic” is the role of the images. In comics, the images serve, in combination with the text, to advance the narrative. They generally offer information without which the story would be incomprehensible. In an illustrated book, the illustrations are generally redundant of the text; they are an interpretation of what the text is describing. They may contain additional information, but they usually don’t have a role in advancing the narrative.

Frequency: This course is typically offered in the fall term of every academic year, though scheduling may vary according to future term circumstances.