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ARTDES 405.001, Fall 2023


Credit Hours: 3
Course Fee: $150
Instructor(s): Andrews, Michael
Semester: Fall 2023
Schedule: TueThu 2:00p-4:15p
Location: 10,681,076

Prerequisites: ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: ARTDES 323: Fiber Sculpture, ARTDES 332: Dressing Up and Down, ARTDES 354: Storytelling for Visual Artists and Designers, ARTDES 365: Object Lessons, ARTDES 395: Identity Politics in Art and Design: Seminar. OR PERMISSION OF INSTRUCTOR.

Description: The main way that humans metamorphosize is via clothing. We limit our capacity to change if we only imagine ourselves in standard garments: Pants. Skirt. Dress. Shirt. The strategy of this course is to divert students from thinking about standard clothing by challenging them, instead, to focus on the job or action that the adorned body will be doing. Costuming or clothing a body for a particular, and possibly unusual, action frees students up to be less fashionable and more inventive. In this course, students create innovative new possibilities for human metamorphosis via wearables. The first half of this course provides a series of instructor-initiated prompts. In the second half, students prompt themselves. All course assignments contain enough flexibility for students to introduce and explore their personal interests.

Frequency: This course is typically offered in the fall term of odd-numbered years, though scheduling may vary according to future term circumstances.