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Integrated Product Development-Tauber

ARTDES 416.001, Fall 2023


Credit Hours: 3
Course Fee: $0
Instructor(s): Tharp, Stephanie
Semester: Fall 2023
Schedule: Mon, Wed 4:30p-6:30p, 6:00p-9:00p
Location: 2410,2420,Ross B1570

Prerequisites: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: ARTDES 220: Second Year Studio; PLUS ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: ARTDES 322: Beautiful Objects, ARTDES 342: Discursive Design, ARTDES 345: Interaction Design, ARTDES 420: SciFi Prototyping, ARTDES 423: Packaging Design, ARTDES 489: 3D Design Portfolio Project, ADABRD 321: DIS Copenhagen Semester Abroad. OR PERMISSION OF INSTRUCTOR.

Description: Integrated Product Development is a cross-disciplinary experiential product design and development course in which cross-functional teams of art & design, business, engineering, and information students design and manufacture a consumer product; design and cost out its manufacturing process; place it in the context of a larger business proposal; and compete with their product against other student teams in an economic market competition. Permission of the instructor is required in order to take this course. On the first day of class the instructors specify the product market in which all teams will compete, and the constraints and guidelines that each team must adhere to. Instruction is via a combination of lectures and laboratory (hands-on) exercises. This is a 6‑credit course and requires a commensurate level of effort.

Frequency: This course is typically offered in both the fall and winter terms of every academic year, though scheduling may vary according to future term circumstances.