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Exhibition Design

ARTDES 451.001, Fall 2023


Credit Hours: 3
Course Fee: $175
Instructor(s): Smotrich, Hannah
Semester: Fall 2023
Schedule: TueThu 2:00p-4:15p
Location: 2023

Prerequisites: ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: ARTDES 333: Information Design, ARTDES 349: Visual Identity and Branding, ARTDES 358: Publication Design, ARTDES 371: Poster Design. OR PERMISSION OF INSTRUCTOR.

Description: In this course students work in collaborative peer design teams on a narrative exhibition project for a client. Students learn how to interweave the verbal and visual through typography, imagery and form. The course provides opportunities to apply visual communication and story telling principles in an environment focused on human interaction and the design of adaptable forms to be reconfigured in multiple physical contexts. In addition, students gain design process experience including research, presentation, documentation, and implementation.

Frequency: This course is typically offered in the fall term of odd-numbered years, though scheduling may vary according to future term circumstances.