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Delightful Design

ARTDES 429.001, Winter 2024


Credit Hours: 3
Instructor(s): Tharp, Stephanie
Semester: Winter 2024

Prerequisites: All OF THE FOLLOWING: ARTDES 345: Interaction Design.

Description: The goal of students in this course is to identify and apply design elements and approaches to create delightful products, interfaces, services, and experiences. Through a combination of theory and practice, students learn about the characteristics and implications of designing for delight. The course draws on foundations on delight and pleasure from design and non-design disciplines such as philosophy, marketing, and human-computer interaction. Two essential directions of this course are (1) to connect delight and well-being, and (2) to design for screen-based experiences that are delightful.

Frequency: This course is typically offered in the winter term of every academic year, though scheduling may vary according to future term circumstances.