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BioDesign Competition

ARTDES 441.001, Winter 2024


Credit Hours: 3
Course Fee: $100
Instructor(s): Butoliya, Deepa
Semester: Winter 2024

Prerequisites: All OF THE FOLLOWING: ARTDES 300: Any 300 Level Studio.

Description: BioDesign is the harnessing and reshaping of living things for human purposes. The word is often associated with precise design practices made possible by genetic engineering and synthetic biology, but it also includes other aspects of designing products and processes using living things. The Biodesign Challenge offers teams of art and design students the opportunity to envision future applications of biotechnology in a competition that highlights student work. The winning teams and their professors are invited to New York City in June for the annual Biodesign Summit, where they showcase their designs in front of members of the academic, industrial, and design communities. Their work then goes on display at venues across the United States. Students in this course represent the University of Michigan in this national competition. For more information, visit http://​biode​sign​chal​lenge​.org .

Frequency: This course is typically offered in the winter term of every academic year, though scheduling may vary according to future term circumstances.