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Experimental Fashion Design

ARTDES 419.001, Winter 2024


Credit Hours: 3
Course Fee: $175
Instructor(s): Cuppetelli, Annica
Semester: Winter 2024

Prerequisites: ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: ARTDES 206: Garment Design & Construction, ARTDES 323: Fiber Sculpture, ARTDES 332: Dressing Up and Down, ARTDES 405: Unfashionable.

Description: This course is intended for advanced students with a strong interest in fashion as a cultural phenomenon and an expressive medium. Garment-making techniques, including costume and wearable sculpture approaches, are applied to create designs that challenge typical notions of beauty and fashion. Critical and theoretical reading are also discussed to provide students the knowledge, understanding, and ability to contextualize their own work and that of others, as well as to interpret and articulate the significance of garments that cross the boundaries between fashion, art, and culture.

Frequency: This course is offered occasionally in either the fall or the winter term.