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Identity Politics in Art and Design: Seminar

ARTDES 395.001, Winter 2024


Credit Hours: 3
Instructor(s): Aristarkhova, Irina
Semester: Winter 2024

Prerequisites: All OF THE FOLLOWING: ARTDES 220: Second Year Studio, ARTDES 300: Any 300 Level Studio. OR PERMISSION OF INSTRUCTOR.

Description: This is a Stamps academic course and will not fulfill studio requirements. Identity Politics in Art and Design is a seminar that satisfies the history/​theory/​criticism requirement. This course addresses what is going on right now — current affairs — and how artists and designers are part of the larger political, social, and cultural landscape. The focus is on creative work around the theme of justice as it relates to identity politics, with specific emphasis on forms that employ humor, satire, exaggeration, and provocation. For assignments, students write about creative work related to identity politics, including their own work, and do research projects around various inequalities on campus and their impact on their education. For more information, write to Irina Aristarkhova at airina@​umich.​edu.

Frequency: This course is offered occasionally in the fall term.