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Theories & Methods of Writing about Creative Practice

ARTDES 506.001, Winter 2024


Credit Hours: 3
Instructor(s): Metsker, Jennifer
Semester: Winter 2024

Prerequisites: No Prerequisites.


This course enables students to explore the theories and methods of writing about creative practice, an area of study that reveals surprising insights into the possibilities they have for communication as creative thinkers. It encourages students to find their own voice as they practice sharing discoveries about their creative work and methods through both traditional and alternative writing approaches, such as poetic inquiry, auto-theory, creative nonfiction, conceptual writing, or forms that they invent based on a particular creative work. Through course readings, flexible assignments, regular reflection, writing workshops, and a self-designed final project, students learn a variety of approaches for developing their own writing style to complement and expand their creative practice.

Frequency: This course is offered occasionally in the winter term.