Close Encounters: The 2017 Stamps Senior Show

April 6 – 28, 2017
In-person Event
Stamps Gallery
201 South Division Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Open to the public
Free of charge
Close Encounters: The 2017 Stamps Senior Show features work in a range of media by graduating BFA, BA, and Interarts students at the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design at the University of Michigan. The exhibition unfolds during the month of April in four exhibition sites throughout the city of Ann Arbor: Michigan Theater, Duderstadt Video Studio, the Argus II Building, and the new Stamps Gallery. Each space will be host to key exhibition events including film/video screenings, live performance, and opening receptions. The exhibition is free and open to the public.
Exhibition Openings & Events
Thursday, April 6 — Saturday, April 8
- Live Performances: Duderstadt Video Studio, 2281 Bonisteel Boulevard, 7:30 pm nightly.
Thursday, April 13
- Screenings: Michigan Theater, 603 East Liberty Street, 5 — 6:30 pm.
- Live Performances: Duderstadt Video Studio, 2281 Bonisteel Boulevard, 7:30 pm.
Friday, April 14
- Opening Reception: Stamps Gallery, 201 S. Division Street, 5 — 8 pm. Remarks by Dean Guna Nadarajan at 6 pm.
- Opening Reception: Argus II Building, 400 Fourth Street, 5 — 8 pm.
- Live Performances: Duderstadt Video Studio, 2281 Bonisteel Boulevard, 7:30 pm.
Saturday, April 15
- Live Performances: Duderstadt Video Studio, 2281 Bonisteel Boulevard, 7:30 pm.
Close Encounters: The 2017 Stamps Senior Show will be on display at Stamps Gallery and Argus II from April 14 — 29, 2017.
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Tanner Petch: no more monsters
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Celine Yin Zhi Wang: Childhood
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Chiao-Wen "Arwin" Wang: Ohana
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Kenneth Washington Jr: Duran
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Becca Weisz: Jelly Pancakes
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Ariana Wescott and Chris Dankovich: Until later, take care
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Susanna Yun: Reconstruction/Reconciliation
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Victoria Zakrzewski: Modify Me
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Abigail Zrike: Cognitive Distortions
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201 South Division Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
- Sunday: Closed
- Monday: Closed
- Tuesday: Closed
- Wednesday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
- Friday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm