Future Former: An Exhibition of Alumni Work

January 8 – February 9, 2018
In-person Event
Art & Architecture Building
2000 Bonisteel Blvd, Ann Arbor MI 48109-2069
Open to the public
Free of charge
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Future Former: An Exhibition of Alumni Work honors the creative work and careers of all Stamps School alumni, creates an aspirational connection between generations of U‑M artists and designers and current Stamps students, and inspires reflection during the university’s Bicentennial year. Funds raised through this exhibition will support new studios and collaborative spaces at Stamps.
Curated by Stamps Professor Franc Nunoo-Quarcoo with alumna Emily Schumer (BFA 2017), Future Former will be on view Monday, January 8‑Friday, February 9, 2018 on the first floor of the Art and Architecture Building.
Join us for an artist panel and exhibition reception on Monday, January 29 from 5 — 6:30pm. The artist panel, moderated by John Luther, Career Development Coordinator, includes Janna Coumoundouros (BFA 1998), Nawal Motawi (BFA 1988), Robin Wilt (BFA 1971), and Matthew Zivich (BSDes 1960).
Future Former: An Exhibition of Alumni Work
Exhibition Dates: Monday, January 8 — Friday, February 9, 2018
Artist Panel and Reception: Monday, January 29, 2018 from 5 — 6:30 pm
Artist Panel: 5 pm, Stamps Auditorium
Reception: 5:45 pm, Street Gallery
Melis Agabigum: artPOP: Necklace in Purple
Melis Agabigum: artPOP: Necklace in PurpleI explore materiality and the physical or emotional connections that occur between body and objec...
Anneli Arms: Face Embryo
Anneli Arms: Face EmbryoThe "Face Embryo" painting is representative of Abstract Expressionist work done when I first cam...
Julia Ashcom: Untitled Study
Julia Ashcom: Untitled StudyI work with steel, primarily making architectural metalwork. Untitled Study was born from leftove...
Vivian Babuts & Joey Christiano Diaz: from the series “The Ballad”
Vivian Babuts & Joey Christiano Diaz: from the series “The Ballad”“The Ballad” is an ongoing collaborative project we began in 2005 while working toward our degree...
Elizabeth Barick Fall: Levering #2, 2017
Elizabeth Barick Fall: Levering #2, 2017Elizabeth Barick Fall Liz has a BFA from The University of Michigan and MFA in Metalsmithing fro...
Katie Barrie: Some of the Most Amazing Scenery Known to Man
Katie Barrie: Some of the Most Amazing Scenery Known to ManYears spent camping and hiking in the wilderness across the United States has led me to consider ...
Cathy Barry: Entropy
Cathy Barry: EntropyEntropy is defined as a state of disorder or decline into disorder. (http://www.yourdictionary....
Lin Baum: Matt
Lin Baum: MattThe oil painting of Matt was executed from direct observation, while appropriating the spirit of ...
Martin Bernstein: Book
Martin Bernstein: BookThe treasures within a book are not be contained within it's vessel.
Suzanne Beutler: Childhood Imaginations
Suzanne Beutler: Childhood ImaginationsChildhood imaginations are important signals for transitions to adulthood. This painting shows on...
Michelle Bien: Sacred Geometry, Universal Mathematics, Infinite Perfection
Michelle Bien: Sacred Geometry, Universal Mathematics, Infinite PerfectionThe symbols in this sculptural artist book were selected from databases cataloging the world's mo...
Gabriella Borosd: Rabba Destroys the Golem
Gabriella Borosd: Rabba Destroys the GolemThis is my feminist interpretation of a classic Jewish fable of a humanoid created to help a town...
Tris Bovich Caserio: Mid-Wilshire_The_City.
Tris Bovich Caserio: Mid-Wilshire_The_City.Mid-Wilshire_The_City. Los Angeles. Here I am flattening out the busyness of the city. Everybody ...
Alaiyo Bradshaw: Woman in White
Alaiyo Bradshaw: Woman in WhiteAlaiyo’s artwork takes a passionate view of a social conscience. In her work, she reconstructs dr...
Bruce Brenneise: The Gates of Thoth
Bruce Brenneise: The Gates of Thoth"The Gates of Thoth" is inspired by my love of travel and mythology. Use of imaginative realism a...
Anna Brown: Emotional
Paula Brown-Gray: Spring Lake Lily
Paula Brown-Gray: Spring Lake LilySpring Lake Lily is a work inspired by the lily pads that grow in the lakes in Canada that I grew...
Lynne Buchman: Moving on
Lynne Buchman: Moving onTransfixed by the glow of the items left by loved ones at mausoleums, I kept returning to this sp...
Sheryl Budnik: Sheryl Budnik - Studio viewing room with recent work and previous Realist work
Sheryl Budnik: Sheryl Budnik - Studio viewing room with recent work and previous Realist workIt was exciting to study art at the old Architecture building in the late 60s. An Expressionist d...
Steve Burdick: State Street, Ann Arbor, 1983
Steve Burdick: State Street, Ann Arbor, 1983I created STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR while a student at the (then) UM School of Art. The vibrancy of...
William Burgard: Dr. Thomas Wang
William Burgard: Dr. Thomas WangI was hired in 2013 by the University of Michigan Health System's Division of Gastroenterology to...
Lenea Burt Howe: Florida Gator with his Lint Licker
Lenea Burt Howe: Florida Gator with his Lint LickerMy work reflects the fun, the mystery and the whimsy I find in the world around me. ....aspects o...
Kent Caldwell: Hanging Gardens (detail shot)
Kent Caldwell: Hanging Gardens (detail shot)This image is part of a larger wall-mounted diorama (18" x 65") constructed with 3D printed objec...
Kimberly Callas: The Beekeeper’s Wife
Kimberly Callas: The Beekeeper’s WifeI am a sculptor living in Maine and New Jersey. I use traditional clay modeling techniques joined...
Lewis Calver: Limbic System of the Brain
Lewis Calver: Limbic System of the BrainIllustration of the limbic system of the brain for an article, "Mapping the Brain" in Newsweek Ma...
David Campbell: The Calling - Issue 1 - Cover
David Campbell: The Calling - Issue 1 - CoverCover art for the comic book series, The Calling. All art by David Campbell. * Logo/Masthead De...
Gregory Campbell: Man alone.
Gina Canter: Barak Obama
Richard Cassis: mind body plate brand
Richard Cassis: mind body plate brandOccasionally I'm asked how long it took to "come up" with "that". My answer echoes the great Henr...
William Charland: Learning to be white in the USA: What will I do with you; Why do they hate us?
William Charland: Learning to be white in the USA: What will I do with you; Why do they hate us?My experience, the framework through which I learned to see the world, is that of of the white ma...
Tess Theresa Choe-Herrington: Ceci Tuera Cela
Tess Theresa Choe-Herrington: Ceci Tuera CelaDimensions Variable will travel digitally & globally.
Joanne Chung: Hidden in the Jelly Valley
Joanne Chung: Hidden in the Jelly Valley"What would make the most sarcastic piece of art? That trash cat icon sticking sticking its middl...
Caryn Ciesielski: DUMB BITCH
Caryn Ciesielski: DUMB BITCH"Dumb bitch" is one in a series of six posters, created for Circle of Hope. The mission of Circle...
Nicole Cischke: Monster Party
Nicole Cischke: Monster PartyLately I’ve not felt like myself. I’ve become paralyzed, unable to put a pencil to paper like bef...
Evan Clark: 2017 Ravinia Festival Poster
Evan Clark: 2017 Ravinia Festival PosterI designed the poster for this year's Ravinia Festival in Chicago, inspired by classic posters fr...
Augustine Cofrancesco: Scrap Grasp
Augustine Cofrancesco: Scrap GraspIn recent work, I am focusing on blurring the boundaries of painting, printmaking and photography...
Susan Ruth Cohen: Summer Concert (in the Piazza)
Susan Ruth Cohen: Summer Concert (in the Piazza)In my works on paper, I explore a mosaic-like sense of place that spans across the specifics of t...
Amy Contopulos: Recess
Amy Contopulos: RecessMy main job for the past 17 years has been a stay at home to two girls. As an artist, I use my wo...
Janna Coumoundouros: Automotive Material Dress Modeled by Musician Josie Pace
Janna Coumoundouros: Automotive Material Dress Modeled by Musician Josie PaceI started designing and making dresses out of automotive material as commissions for Charity Prev...
Lisa Craig Neild: September 2nd
Lisa Craig Neild: September 2ndMy New Year's Resolution in 2013 was to take a picture every day. Sometimes it was a little snaps...
Breanne Cremean: Mother of Dragons
Breanne Cremean: Mother of DragonsBreanne Cremean is a costumer, cosplayer, and historic fashion enthusiast, known online as The Ge...
Patricia (Clark) Crosby: CARRIAGE HOUSE
Patricia (Clark) Crosby: CARRIAGE HOUSEPat has been an independent designer/builder specializing in home design and remodeling. She and ...
William Crosby: DENALI
William Crosby: DENALIBill retired in 1998 as Professor of Art, State University of New York, College at Plattsburgh, N...
Michael Curtis: General Eisenhower
Heidi Dauphin: Making a Point II
Heidi Dauphin: Making a Point III think of my creative process as a journey. This journey began long ago. I am a collector travel...
Cheryl Dawdy: Metamorphosis
Cheryl Dawdy: MetamorphosisI love collage. I collect and save paper, cut it up, and move the bits around until an image come...
cathy diamond: Guardian Angel
cathy diamond: Guardian AngelThis painting, Guardian Angel, describes an encounter of a flower-shape spirit and a bird swoopi...
Marisa Diamond: The ThrowUps
Marisa Diamond: The ThrowUpsMarisa Diamond currently resides in St. Louis, MO, where she works at Circus Harmony. With a deep...
Rita Dibert: Ring Around the Rosie: Tentative Times
Rita Dibert: Ring Around the Rosie: Tentative TimesBoth my painting and photographic work often deals with political issues...and has since my work ...
Molly Dierks: Test Tube Babies
Molly Dierks: Test Tube BabiesI am inspired by the shapes, lines, and language in industrial society that convey information ab...
Barbara Dinneweth: Fall
Barbara Dinneweth: FallMy work showcases my love for color and texture. I am interested in creating variations in color ...
Celibeth Donnelly: Tapestry of a Leader
Celibeth Donnelly: Tapestry of a LeaderI have been working on a project that reflects my travels to Cuba. This piece is one of three fea...
Shelley Doppelt Holtzman: Rose & Berries
Shelley Doppelt Holtzman: Rose & BerriesMy background as a NYC advertising art director and graphic designer, along with my love of color...
Valerie Doran Bashaw: Saw Blade Mandala, 2016
Valerie Doran Bashaw: Saw Blade Mandala, 2016Rust printed on fabric creates an almost illusive print, not completely there, yet substantial en...
Henry Adam Dougherty: FC St. Pauli 2017/18 Kits
Henry Adam Dougherty: FC St. Pauli 2017/18 KitsFC St. Pauli is a very popular football club in Hamburg, Germany. The 2017/18 kit designs were in...
David Dumo: Sebastian
David Dumo: SebastianThis is one of a recent series exploring themes from various religious doctrines. Photography is ...
JULIE EISENBEG PITMAN: undecidable IIII am a collage artist and an openly ecstatic salvager who has always relished in creating new art...
Judith Enright: Peonies
Judith Enright: PeoniesI paint in Series. This painting is my latest work, the 1st in Series #27 - FLORA AND FAUNA.
Yasmin Etemadi: Butterfly’s Revenge
Yasmin Etemadi: Butterfly’s RevengeTALES FROM THE BLACK NIGHT OF THE SOUL Once upon a time of dark, troubled nights, storyteller &a...
Lindsay Farris: Now That’s What I Call A Variation On A Theme Volume 69
Lindsay Farris: Now That’s What I Call A Variation On A Theme Volume 69Lindsay Farris is an artist and designer based in Detroit, MI. She started making digital paint...
Peter Finnemore: Bertween the Lines
Peter Finnemore: Bertween the Lines’Reading between the lines’ is a set phrase with literal and metaphorical connotations. It sugges...
Jane Fitzgerald: FUTUREformer: one career
Jane Fitzgerald: FUTUREformer: one careerIn 1969, the Dean of the School of Art advised that with my solid foundation in Fine Arts, I coul...
Janie Fleckenstein: Portrait of Ashley Fleckenstein
Janie Fleckenstein: Portrait of Ashley FleckensteinJanie Fleckenstein is an artist who resides in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. She specializes in bot...
Thomas Frank: NineEighteen
Thomas Frank: NineEighteen72" wide x 36" high cut-out relief of software generated images of archival inkjet prints on Epso...
george frayne: crew of the memphis belle
george frayne: crew of the memphis bellethis is one of my anti war paintings from my graduate show in 1968 If you need contemporary works...
george frayne: john22
george frayne: john22One of my many portraits of music icons I have done through the years. I did a concert with john ...
gaye gambell-peterson: Appetite #lilith
gaye gambell-peterson: Appetite #lilithBio gaye mcgraw gambell-peterson frolics about at age 78, pokes at myths. She is not yet weary o...
Ken Giles: Untitled - urbus: located in the city
Ken Giles: Untitled - urbus: located in the cityThe photograph is a transitory art object that continually explores how personal interactions wit...
Peter Crow Gilleran: October Piece
Peter Crow Gilleran: October PieceThis is a recently completed drawing that looks to the past, my past, in order to move into the f...
Peter Glaberman: Michael B
Peter Glaberman: Michael BA commissioned portrait study of an old friend, using a pallet knife.
Heidi Goldberg: Lake Sakakawea
Heidi Goldberg: Lake SakakaweaLake Sakakawea is a reflection of human intervention in nature. Located in my home state of North...
Debra Golden: Mornings at Seven poster
Debra Golden: Mornings at Seven posterThis poster combines graphic design (my focus as an undergrad), watercolor (which I received an M...
Cheryl Gordon: Essex 87
Cheryl Gordon: Essex 87The consequences of art making endure. Ideas are frozen, slip away and resurface. Combinations st...
Sophia Greenbaum: No Nukes
Sophia Greenbaum: No NukesA poster designed for the United Nations' poster contest commemorating the 70th anniversary of th...
Walter Griggs: MICHIGAN NORTH CAMPUS BUS-STOP, SUMMER SCENE.Sunny scene of students at Michigan's North Campus Bus-Stop.
Walter Griggs: Michigan Stadium-Main ST.
Walter Griggs: Michigan Stadium-Main ST.Alla Prima painting in Acrylics on Masonite. Energetic night scene of Michigan Stadium- Main Stre...
Genevieve Guracar: Champions of the Sacred
Genevieve Guracar: Champions of the SacredCartoons speak to both sides of the human brain, the visual and literary. For me it is truth tell...
M. Sedestrom Guthrie: Settled/Unsettled
M. Sedestrom Guthrie: Settled/UnsettledI regularly scan my surroundings for textures, lines, reflections, shapes, & shadows and abso...
Cam Gzym: The Lake Alone
Richard Hackel: Panalateral View of the Charles River
Richard Hackel: Panalateral View of the Charles RiverThis 500-foot long public art mural was commissioned by the Cambridge Arts Council to improve the...
Samuel E. Harper: Miss Marilyn
Samuel E. Harper: Miss MarilynI enjoy creating special posters for friends and families. But this latest oneÉwell, let me tell ...
Brein Harpster: The Elephant In The Room
Brein Harpster: The Elephant In The RoomMy intention with this painting was to depict a scene, or mood, that typically arises when partne...
Susan Hensel: Soft Geometry 1
Susan Hensel: Soft Geometry 1ABSTRACT STITCH A single stitch is made by stretching a thread between two holes. The line forme...
Claudia Hershman: NIGHT CARNIVAL
Claudia Hershman: NIGHT CARNIVALExperimentation and a love of color, shape, and geometric pattern are the focus of my process. I ...
sue Holdaway-Heys: KOI POND
sue Holdaway-Heys: KOI PONDI am attracted to color and patterns ...hence The KOI POND
Jeri Hollister: Over the shoulder
Jeri Hollister: Over the shoulderMy freestanding work is built from the ground up, attaching the legs to a base, and adding the ot...
Ryan Hoover: Theater, Seattle
Ryan Hoover: Theater, SeattleBy recording the changing qualities of natural, artificial, and other ambient light, "Theater, Se...
Kelsey Horn: Late to Dinner
Kelsey Horn: Late to DinnerMy work explores the meanings associated with physical material. The objects I depict have unique...
Mori Insinger: Provincetown, Massachusetts
Mori Insinger: Provincetown, MassachusettsMori Insinger is a Boston-based fine art photographer, whose work focuses on the exploration of s...
Helen Jacobson: Woman
Helen Jacobson: WomanShe is strong and determined. In front of bars that try to hold her back, she sits, ready to take...
Marcella Janush-Kulchitsky: We Both Say Amen
Marcella Janush-Kulchitsky: We Both Say AmenMarcella Janush-Kulchitsky has been an on the faculty at the American Unviersity of Kuwait as an ...
Eduardo Jimenez: Colgate 360¡ Advanced 4-Zone Toothbrush
Eduardo Jimenez: Colgate 360¡ Advanced 4-Zone ToothbrushThe 360¡Advanced 4-Zone Toothbrush is the result of a devotion to designing extraordinary toothbr...
Lester Johnson: A Garland of Praise Songs for Rosa Parks
Lester Johnson: A Garland of Praise Songs for Rosa ParksRosa Parks and Damon J. Keith gifted the world with their shared integrity, humanity and commitme...
Francie Johnson Hester: Visual Artist
Francie Johnson Hester: Visual ArtistMy work is a series of studies and reflections on how pattern emerges from random events, how ran...
Joseph Jurson: Anhinga Wing #2
Joseph Jurson: Anhinga Wing #2I firmly believe that we need to slow down and look around. We are all moving at “blinding speed,...
Mary Kainlauri Shao: Chasing Rainbows on Poppy
Mary Kainlauri Shao: Chasing Rainbows on Poppy"Chasing Rainbows on Poppy" is part of a series of 22 irises I painted in pastel from 2015-2017. ...
Joann Kallio: Subterranean
Joann Kallio: SubterraneanMy U-M degrees are in graphic design and art history, and I have been working as a graphic design...
Adrienne Kaplan: Memory of George II
Adrienne Kaplan: Memory of George IIRemembering Georges Seurat & George Manupelli through Gallup Park on a Sunday
kathryn keir: Coming Alive
kathryn keir: Coming AliveThis acrylic/mixed media piece is done on a wooden panel. The texture is created with molding pas...
Ian Kimmerly: As We Wander, We Are Closer
Ian Kimmerly: As We Wander, We Are CloserMy paintings incorporate various images and pictorial modes to explore evolving notions of memory...
Fritz Klaetke: old/new tools
Fritz Klaetke: old/new toolsi was (interestingly) right on the cusp of the computer revolution in graphic design while at u o...
Bette Klegon Halby: Black Jax
Bette Klegon Halby: Black JaxBette Klegon Halby “Black Jax”, 2017 The city fuels my practice and fills my soul. It serves ...
Ken Kleppert: untitled_no5
Dave Kloc: Aid
Dave Kloc: AidI drew this and I liked it. So here it is for you to decide if you like it or not.
Sam Knecht: The Signing of the American Constitution
Sam Knecht: The Signing of the American ConstitutionMeasuring 60 x 104 inches this painting was commissioned for the Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for C...
Bill Knudstrup: My Cherie Amour
Oleg Kolbasov: School
Alex Krentzin: Volkswagen Beetle Wire Car Project
Alex Krentzin: Volkswagen Beetle Wire Car ProjectSince graduating from U of M, I have taken many art classes when not working at my library job. I...
Jeffrey Kronsnoble: Paris Hybrid
Jeffrey Kronsnoble: Paris HybridMy Paintings (and "Paris Hybrid", 2016, is a good example) usually involve the relationship of di...
Megan LaCroix: Beauty Standards? What the fuck are those?
Megan LaCroix: Beauty Standards? What the fuck are those?Our fashion and beauty industry is breeding negativity through self deprecating expectations of w...
Ahde Lahti: Wispers
Ahde Lahti: WispersMy father (Professor Aarre K. Lahti, U of M) described Grandfather's (John Lahti) house painted i...
Michelle Lan: Uncommon Nonsense (Detail)
Michelle Lan: Uncommon Nonsense (Detail)Uncommon Nonsense is a series of woven works created to explore the various expressions that can ...
Fran Lattanzio: Layered Windows
Fran Lattanzio: Layered WindowsDuring the time that I have worked with photography, I have seen many changes to materials and pr...
Antonietta Leeds: Uncharted Waters
Antonietta Leeds: Uncharted WatersWhere did I come from? Where will I go? Was I yesterday's raindrops or pristine white snow? What ...
Kimberly Lennex: Love Trumps Hate
Kimberly Lennex: Love Trumps HatePoster design was my greatest passion when I was a student at Stamps (so much so that two classma...
Robin Leventhal: Shino Oyster Platter
Robin Leventhal: Shino Oyster PlatterWhile pursuing an MFA in Ceramics, Robin Leventhal took a summer job in catering. This lead to an...
Richard Lewis: King of the World
Richard Lewis: King of the WorldRichard Lewis’s artwork combines both traditional and digital painting and has been exhibited thr...
David Littell: Tapestry I
David Littell: Tapestry II chose this piece for the Future/Former show because I feel it is a fusion of classical, and for...
Janet Lorch: Passing Through
Janet Lorch: Passing Through“Passing Through” is a digital illustration from a body of work titled “Passed, Present, Future.”...
Don Luce: Rapids on the Knife River
Don Luce: Rapids on the Knife RiverThere are few things I like better than painting the patterns of flowing water. But finding the r...
Georgia Ann Mackinder: Nantucket Boat Basin
Georgia Ann Mackinder: Nantucket Boat BasinMy work for the past 20 years has been capturing places beloved to me, such as these boats on Nan...
Craig Maki: Sausalito, California
Craig Maki: Sausalito, CaliforniaBy simply living one's life, countless opportunities to observe and document compositions of form...
Maureen Maki: All Possibilities
Maureen Maki: All PossibilitiesMy work is about new beginnings, all possibilities, and a willingness to do what it takes to star...
Marjorie Marshall: America Strong
Marjorie Marshall: America StrongSeptember 11, 2001 was one of the hardest days in my photojournalism career. I was the photo edit...
Elisabeth Matheson: Miacomet Memories
Elisabeth Matheson: Miacomet MemoriesAt the age of 18, Lisa fell in love with the New England Island of Nantucket and began spending s...
Micaela McCabe: Beverageware Design
Micaela McCabe: Beverageware DesignIndustrial design for Target's housewares section under the brand "Ello."
Amy McCarter: Unisource Paper Show Poster
Amy McCarter: Unisource Paper Show PosterUnisource, a distributer of fine paper, sponsors a regional paper show every year for mills and t...
Kathy McDonough-Lemery: Go Bo
Kathy McDonough-Lemery: Go BoThis is to honor my beloved Ann Arbor and the Art School in which I had a riot learning! I feel t...
Marcia McMillen: Summer Rhythm
Marcia McMillen: Summer RhythmI am a painter. I work with color to achieve movement and energy in a non-representational way. M...
Daleene Menning: The Ride—50 Foot Ceramic Mural—Downtown Bus Depot Grand Rapids MI
Daleene Menning: The Ride—50 Foot Ceramic Mural—Downtown Bus Depot Grand Rapids MISection of a mural installed at the Downtown Grand Rapids Bus Depot. Depicts people riding city b...
Kathleen Messner: American Beauty
Kathleen Messner: American BeautyAmerican Beauty is a watercolor, placed under glass, in a deep, black, boxed frame. The work can ...
Stephanie Milanowski: Packaging for Palazzolo’s Artisan Dairy
Stephanie Milanowski: Packaging for Palazzolo’s Artisan DairyPackage Design for Palazzolo's NEW Artisan Dairy product line.
Jill Miller: Adjustment
Jill Miller: AdjustmentMy work examines autobiographical depression and emotional reactions inherent to these states of ...
Ian Moore: The Three
Ian Moore: The ThreeAn excerpt from Tamaishi, my second children's book. For the moment I find the simultaneous simpl...
Diane (Peters) Morgan: Vinca Dinka Dew
Diane (Peters) Morgan: Vinca Dinka DewAdding drama and mystery through the use of powerful lighting effects, reflected surfaces, exagge...
Nawal Motawi: Zelda Fireplace
Nawal Motawi: Zelda FireplaceZelda was designed to be customized. She can function as a border, or as shown here, a statement ...
John Murrel: Dia de los muertos
John Murrel: Dia de los muertosMy Midwest and religious roots drive my work. The intent is to produce paintings that are distill...
Charlie Naebeck: Kinetic
Charlie Naebeck: KineticI became interested in the possibilities of kinetic movement through pure serendipity late one ni...
Michael Nalley: Pangea
Michael Nalley: PangeaA few years after a photography assignment took me to Tanzania, where I had the opportunity to ph...
JANE NAMENYE: Crane Over Selma
JANE NAMENYE: Crane Over SelmaIn the late 1990s Hollywood Boulevard started changing. I began documenting the streets, building...
Frederick Neu: Undersea mosaic
Frederick Neu: Undersea mosaicAlthough I know many artists find a medium, style or genre which they are comfortable with and st...
Leslie Nobler: The Spirit and the Sailor
Leslie Nobler: The Spirit and the SailorHandmade dolls left behind by children lost during genocides in the USA and Europe inspired this ...
Tyler Nordstrom: Joan of Arc Brie - Retail Line
Tyler Nordstrom: Joan of Arc Brie - Retail LineIn this design, I merged period imagery and design elements with a modern treatment of the type, ...
Mark Anthony Nutt: Broken
Mark Anthony Nutt: BrokenAfter establishing a printmaking studio and a gallery and picture frame retail operation in Birmi...
Kelly Jean Ohl: Domestic Tool Marks
Kelly Jean Ohl: Domestic Tool MarksKelly Jean utilizes a diverse and surprising array of household objects and tools to create her w...
Emily Orzech: Turn
Emily Orzech: TurnI am interested in the intersection between embodied experience and social structures. My newest ...
Margaret Parker: C’ood: a democracy experiment
Margaret Parker: C’ood: a democracy experimentI want to be submerged in living experience, to use paint, installation, textiles, sculpture or l...
Samara Pearlstein: Trap rock on invisible Round Mountain
Samara Pearlstein: Trap rock on invisible Round MountainTrap rock is a kind of dark, igneous rock. Basalt is a trap rock. Round Mountain used to exist in...
Beverly Peller Henson: Untitled
Beverly Peller Henson: UntitledHere 2d and 3d are combined. When I look at this photo the treatment allows me to imagine my fing...
Pamela Peters: Floral Vessel Ring
Pamela Peters: Floral Vessel RingI am intrigued by the fabrication process... of taking a flat sheet of silver and turning it into...
Lawrence Philp: 16 Times 8 Equals One (series)
Lawrence Philp: 16 Times 8 Equals One (series)My investigations into painting have led me to explore and use the mixed media aspect of painting...
Marcia Polenberg: Child From Aleppo
Marcia Polenberg: Child From AleppoI continue to be very troubled by the ongoing war in Syria and its horrific effect on the childre...
Sharron Pollack: Aquilegia/Columbine: Clouded By
Sharron Pollack: Aquilegia/Columbine: Clouded ByThis print is from a series, Aquilegia/Columbine: Hawk/Dove, I began as the world was listening t...
Susan Pollins: Galactic Flare
Susan Pollins: Galactic FlareMy approach is to discover and expand the many ways watermedia reacts in a search for synergy of ...
Lily Porter Niederpruem: Bring Forth
Lily Porter Niederpruem: Bring ForthThrough multiple layers of paint and exploration of color, opacity, and texture, my artwork inter...
Laurel Prafke: Blue Heaven
Laurel Prafke: Blue HeavenBlue Heaven seems appropriate for a Michigan school exhibit. Lake Michigan is ever present while ...
Janice Propst: Montana Day Break
Janice Propst: Montana Day BreakI am fascinated by natural landscapes, the visual impact of sky and earth compositions peppered b...
William Reuter: Crissy Field Kiosks
William Reuter: Crissy Field KiosksCreative direction and graphic design for a series of kiosks presenting the military and natural ...
William Reyer: Snarlin’ Dick
William Reyer: Snarlin’ DickDrawing circa 2007. Just started back drawing after years of mechanical CAD design when taking ca...
William Dean Reynolds: The Only Part with Flames
William Dean Reynolds: The Only Part with FlamesA series of small collages have become the basis for new large-scale works on canvas. The composi...
Leisa Rich: Willow, Weep For Me from Leisa Rich 2016 solo show “grownupland”
Leisa Rich: Willow, Weep For Me from Leisa Rich 2016 solo show “grownupland”The tactile and visual world comforted me during a time when I couldn’t hear. As a young child ...
Michelina Risbeck: To Breathe A Form
Michelina Risbeck: To Breathe A FormTo Breathe A Form 3:49 The screendance film “To Breathe A Form” embodies ballet dancers as livin...
Elton Robinson: Art in America magazine, January-February 1969
Elton Robinson: Art in America magazine, January-February 1969Throughout a career of nearly sixty years as a designer of magazines, books, corporate literature...
Joan Rosenberg-Dent: Reveal #2
Joan Rosenberg-Dent: Reveal #2Conceptually, this piece refers to the act of revealing, both physically and verbally. The edge o...
Gail Rosenbloom Kaplan: Rethinking
Gail Rosenbloom Kaplan: RethinkingJust as the millions of cells come together to create an individual’s thinking mind, so do the mi...
Andy Ross: That Was a Hell of a Weekend
Andy Ross: That Was a Hell of a WeekendI think most artist's statements distract from the work.
David Rubello: movable, Color Moves #6
David Rubello: movable, Color Moves #6Color Moves #6 is one in a series of dimensional paintings based on renewal. This offers the view...
Ginny Russell-Sheldon: Argo Pond
Ginny Russell-Sheldon: Argo PondIn nature --- searching for serenity as well as drama, within constant change.
Jared Salinger: Self Portrait: Red White and Blue
Jared Salinger: Self Portrait: Red White and BlueBlue and Black ballpoint pens on printer paper, drawn from a mirror. Red glossy waves resulted fr...
Gwen Schagrin: Lighthouses in Iceland are ORANGE!
Gwen Schagrin: Lighthouses in Iceland are ORANGE!This work is a reaction to the feeling of orange lighthouses in Iceland. My fabric works are expe...
J. Brough Schamp: Early Morning Light
J. Brough Schamp: Early Morning LightI focused on photography while at the University of Michigan and later in my career as a freelanc...
Emily Schiffer: Drink, 2017
Emily Schiffer: Drink, 2017In 2005, I founded a photography program for young people on the Cheyenne River Reservation in So...
Jaye Schlesinger: From The High Line
Jaye Schlesinger: From The High LineFrom my first visit to the High Line in New York - rhythm, shape, texture, mood.
Jenny Schu: She Can’t See the Forest Through the Trees
Jenny Schu: She Can’t See the Forest Through the TreesJenny Schu received her Bachelors of Fine Art with a concentration in Fiber Art from the Universi...
J. Amadeaus Scott: highway overpass
J. Amadeaus Scott: highway overpassAt its core, my work seeks to germinate relationships between narrative, identity, and landscape,...
Camille Serre: Leona’s Shells
Camille Serre: Leona’s ShellsMy four-year-old granddaughter taught herself how to swim last July by diving underwater to colle...
Michael Sevick: Self Portrait
Michelle (Gurfein) Shain: The Red Party Invitation
Michelle (Gurfein) Shain: The Red Party InvitationMusic + Art + Cocktails = A Great Design Project and Party! Font: Mr. Moustache
Susan Shwartzer Seltzer: Contemporary Portraiture
Susan Shwartzer Seltzer: Contemporary PortraitureAs a graphic designer & illustrator, my studies at The University of Michigan forged a lifeti...
Michelle Sider: Queen Esther
Michelle Sider: Queen EstherQueen Esther I am fascinated by contrasts in both materials and subject matter. In my piece, “Q...
Lyn Silberman: Florida Sunshine
Judi Simon: After Taq Class
Judi Simon: After Taq ClassMy art work often reflects a specific happy memory from my childhood. I chose to paint the “tap s...
Buster Simpson: Adaptive Actions
Buster Simpson: Adaptive ActionsTwo chairs seek graceful migration to higher ground. One, from Robert Rauschenberg’s beach house,...
Marc Sirinsky: Crash (Bike Accident)
Marc Sirinsky: Crash (Bike Accident)My work taps into my journey from a troubled upbringing into adulthood. At once representational ...
Natalie (Fedirko) Skorupskas: Theatrical Poster: Roger (Short Feature Film)
Natalie (Fedirko) Skorupskas: Theatrical Poster: Roger (Short Feature Film)‘Roger’: A Private Eye is hired by a boxing promoter to track down his missing mistress. Soon, ho...
Becky Slemmons: It just came to him
Becky Slemmons: It just came to himThe night before filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky left his family and homeland Russia, not certain if h...
Elise Meeske Sloan: MY TRAVELS
Christopher Smith: Adrift on the Wine Dark Sea
Christopher Smith: Adrift on the Wine Dark SeaThis relief is from a series of sculptures I've done which are drawn from contemporary life and t...
Larry Stark: Early Morning Up North
Larry Stark: Early Morning Up NorthIn 1968 I started photographing images of the highway and then silk screening them. This image wa...
Betsy Statman Besl: Inhabitants Of My World
Betsy Statman Besl: Inhabitants Of My WorldAlmost a lifetime of creating imaginary worlds peopled with characters and cartoons. Over a decad...
Mindy Steffen: The Making of “AER HEAD” : A Comic Series In Progress
Mindy Steffen: The Making of “AER HEAD” : A Comic Series In ProgressThe story of "AER HEAD" began as a surfer who predicts the future in his dreams, and is continuin...
Monica Steinmetz Sageman: Next Stop
Monica Steinmetz Sageman: Next StopInspired by precious life experience and a rich and varied pallet, my intent is to strike a chord...
liz steketee: Pink Medusa
liz steketee: Pink Medusaliz steketee photography 10 Madrona Street San Rafael, CA, 94901 http://www.lizsteketee.com¥ phon...
Jacob Stempky: In The Beginning
Jacob Stempky: In The BeginningWhy do we love the sea? It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to...
Angela Stork: tbt* Brewery Tour Map
Angela Stork: tbt* Brewery Tour MapI am a graphic designer working for the Tampa Bay Times in St. Petersburg, FL, so much of my work...
Robin Street-Morris: Los Pe–asquitos Canyon XIII (Coastal Fog at Dawn)
Robin Street-Morris: Los Pe–asquitos Canyon XIII (Coastal Fog at Dawn)I make ethereal, mixed media landscape paintings in celebration of the natural world, typically b...
Phyllis Swonk: Water Lilies on the St. Lawrence River, Canada
Phyllis Swonk: Water Lilies on the St. Lawrence River, CanadaStopping along the shore of the St. Lawrence River on our way home from Maine through Canada, we...
Miranda L. Tarrow: You Squandered Everything I Gave You
Miranda L. Tarrow: You Squandered Everything I Gave YouMiranda L. Tarrow is a mixed media artist currently based in the ersatz wonderland of Portland, O...
Ruth Taubman: Multigem Stacked Rings, Necklace, and Drop Earring Collection
Ruth Taubman: Multigem Stacked Rings, Necklace, and Drop Earring CollectionKnown for her dazzling work in rare gemstones, colored golds, and South Sea and freshwater pearls...
Russell Thayer: Wind Rapids
Russell Thayer: Wind RapidsAs water flows around obstacles in a stream, so does wind creating less visible currents in the sky.
Mary Tobin: Graphic Turn
Mary Tobin: Graphic TurnSome days I trade Pantone swatches for fabric swatches. I’ve discovered my most creatively fulfil...
Rebecca Tocci: Within the Willow
Rebecca Tocci: Within the WillowFor me, Art is a means of exploration and observation and to gain a better understanding of the w...
Marjorie Tomchuk: Reversal I & II
Marjorie Tomchuk: Reversal I & IIHandmade paper has an extraordinary capacity for deep embossing and this has been the primary med...
Barbara Trupp: “Snow Color”
Barbara Trupp: “Snow Color”A color photograph of a black and white world examines the symmetry found in Nature.
Mallory Uchalik: Keep on the Sunny Side
Mallory Uchalik: Keep on the Sunny SideI’m fascinated by both the structure and functionality of anatomy, be that the anatomy of a human...
Mara Vallee: Three Forks River
Mara Vallee: Three Forks RiverThis photograph is part of series shot at Three Forks Ranch outside of Steamboat, Colorado. After...
Cameron Van Dyke: Future Cycles Deployment
Cameron Van Dyke: Future Cycles DeploymentThe Future Cycles is a multi disciplinary project that includes the design and creation of experi...
Dina Veloric: Consciously, Unconscious
Dina Veloric: Consciously, UnconsciousConsciously, Unconscious is a multimedia installation comprised of documentary photography, film,...
Lisa Vetne (Bellon): Coastal Grounds Coffeehouse
Lisa Vetne (Bellon): Coastal Grounds CoffeehouseLogo Creation Your logo is your customers’ first impression of your business. It should make a s...
Sam Viviano: Historical Inaccuracies in “Hamilton”
Sam Viviano: Historical Inaccuracies in “Hamilton”Illustration for MAD Magazine, the most recent in a professional relationship that stretches back...
Donella Reese Vogel: Betty in St. Augustine
Donella Reese Vogel: Betty in St. AugustineA mysterious setting and pose...sitting alone way at the end of the bench. Waiting for a bus afte...
Scotty Wagner: Trial Child: Nurture a Better Nature
Scotty Wagner: Trial Child: Nurture a Better NatureThis is a digital still from the video, "Trial Child: Nurture a Better Nature," an unconventional...
susan wein: The Way Things Are
susan wein: The Way Things AreI love color, and my work is semi-abstract to abstract with inference. My work encompasses visual...
Ruth Weisberg: Discovery
Ruth Weisberg: DiscoveryA subject I have returned to many times is scenes from Eastern European shtetl life. I've been es...
Libby Welch: Universal
Libby Welch: UniversalThe word "universal" is defined as, "Of, or relating to, the universe, all nature, or all existin...
shirley white-black: untitled
shirley white-black: untitledThree dimensional fired and glazed Clay and re purposed metal coil construction. 60"h x 18"w x 12...
Franklin Willis: In Case of Emergency Dial T For Tonka
Franklin Willis: In Case of Emergency Dial T For TonkaThrough the act of painting I wish to accomplish two objectives; one is to interpret my surroundi...
Robert W Wilson: Intersection XIII
Robert W Wilson: Intersection XIIIThis piece is the current evolution of work I have been doing since I was blown away by the Carl ...
Ellen Wilt: The SCHOLAR, REALITY, The LURE, and CYBEREDThe four images, “The SCHOLAR, REALITY, The LURE, and CYBERED”, are a set of four collages create...
Robin Wilt: Elephant in the Room: A Responce to Sandy Hook
Robin Wilt: Elephant in the Room: A Responce to Sandy Hook“Elephant in the Room, A Response to Sandy Hook” U. of M. Art Alumni Show 2013, Slusser Gallery,...
Barbara Winer: Remodeling Series-Interior Elevations (Zen)
Barbara Winer: Remodeling Series-Interior Elevations (Zen)"Zen" is one of many mixed media paintings from my ongoing ReModeling Series. Using pencil, charc...
Darren Wolfberg: Lips
Darren Wolfberg: LipsLips was the third in the first series that explored injecting acrylic paint into bubble wrap. Th...
Suzanne Wolfe: Rococo/Qing
Suzanne Wolfe: Rococo/QingThe development of Western ceramics owes a great debt to Asian ceramics traditions. The interior ...
Katelyn Wollet: Untitled: Self Portrait
Katelyn Wollet: Untitled: Self PortraitSelf Portrait I of V shot on 35mm Black and White film, exploring the language of the body, compo...
Margaret (Campbell) Wolverton: A Retrospective of My Creative Work
Margaret (Campbell) Wolverton: A Retrospective of My Creative WorkA "Retrospective of My Creative Work" includes: pencil and ink drawings; linoleum block printing;...
Bruce Worden: Scientific illustrations from the Journal of Clinical Investigation
Bruce Worden: Scientific illustrations from the Journal of Clinical InvestigationLooking back, I think I'd always had an interest in scientific illustrations. I just never realiz...
Paul Wywrot: Mc Caul Street, 2014 (Assemblage)
Paul Wywrot: Mc Caul Street, 2014 (Assemblage)This image is from my ongoing assemblage photography series that uses multiple color digital imag...
alisa yang: Garbage collector in Dunhuang, China
alisa yang: Garbage collector in Dunhuang, ChinaImage from the photo series taken on the ancient Silk Road
Carol Beth Yoffee: Grand Canyon Falls
Carol Beth Yoffee: Grand Canyon FallsMy life is built on order. From my shoes, each in their own-labeled box, to my kitchen cabinet fi...
Wendy Yothers: Gotham Tea Set
Wendy Yothers: Gotham Tea SetI am a silversmith by trade. I've spent a long working life supporting my family with my craft. I...
Rebecca Zeiss: Second Light
Rebecca Zeiss: Second LightMy work investigates memories and dreams often within a domestic environment. This image is part ...
Paul Zenian: Gateless Gate
Paul Zenian: Gateless GateMonumental Landmark Sculpture for Washtenaw Community College, 1983 (22 _ X 17 _ X 13 _ ft) Symbo...
Matthew Zivich: Helter Skelter
2000 Bonisteel Blvd, Ann Arbor MI 48109-2069
(734) 936-0671
- Sunday: 7:00 am – 7:00 pm
- Monday: 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
- Tuesday: 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
- Wednesday: 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
- Thursday: 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
- Friday: 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
- Saturday: 7:00 am – 7:00 pm