Number 17
17 by 17 by 17

Thursday, March 17, 2011
5:10 pm
In-person Event
Michigan Theater
603 E Liberty St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Penny Stamps Speaker Series
Open to the public
Free of charge
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Founded by Emily Oberman and Bonnie Siegler, Number Seventeen is a multi-disciplinary design firm working in print, television and online. Their projects include opening sequences for Saturday Night Live, the Daily Beast website, Lucky Magazine and the Sex in the City book. Using projects, including their own column in Newsweek, their comic strips, and more traditional design work, they use the occasion of their 17th year in business to take a look backwards to “see what the hell it is that we have done.”
With support from AIGA Detroit – the professional association for design.
Content Notice
In accordance with the University of Michigan’s Standard Practice Guidelines on Freedom of Speech and Artistic Expression, the Penny Stamps Speaker Series does not censor our speakers or their content. The content provided is intended for adult audiences and does not reflect the views of the University of Michigan or Detroit Public Television.