Creating Zines to Create Connection at Stamps

During the winter semester, a Stamps class encourages spontaneous creativity and engagement with others by making zines.
Instructor Emilia White’s Social Spaces class created a community zine project. Anyone who passes by is invited to participate and make their zine with ready-made stacks of paper and markers. The display is located in the Stamps street gallery area on the first floor.
According to White, the class was inspired by the book Stolen Sharpie Revolution, articles, websites, and the documentary, But I Love the Zine. The culmination of that effort is the event “Walk By Zines.” Each student printed 20 of their zines for display. Those zines cover various topics, from self-identity, mental health, fashion, and even hairy legs. White describes the zine project as “an accessible medium and easy way to share art and ideas.”
Through February 8, anyone who stops by the display can contribute their zine using pre-folded paper and Sharpie markers which adds an ongoing evolution to the project. Students are enjoying the process of encouraging zine-making, and they see it as a way to connect with others and gain deeper insight into the perspectives of members of the Stamps community.
”I think inviting people to participate in something on their own accord is a good way to help people feel like they’re included, and creating zines provide audiences with the opportunity to contribute their knowledge to the world,” said student Bella Ford. “Especially during this time, it is crucial for us to engage in activities that connect us and help us feel less alone. Not only that, but the raw creative expression is such an essential outlet for our emotions.”