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Melanie Manos and Sarah Buckius: The ManosBuckius Cooperative in Media City Film Festival

Melanie and Sarah rolling around on stool doing homes work

Melanie Manos and Sarah Buckius, collaborating as The ManosBuckius Cooperative (The MBC), participate in Media City 25th Anniversary Film Festival

The ManosBuckius Cooperative creates video and live performance responding to labor and productivity in highly unproductive ways. In The MBC: Rolling Series II, Manos andBuckius engage rolling objects commonly used for auto mechanics’ work, to perform domestic-based work. They highlight and question the assumed duality between so-called masculine and feminine labor roles and the heightened value given to capitalist industry over service-based (and often unpaid) industry. The video is a quilt of improvised encounters in interstitial and adjacent filmic space between the two performers.

Media City Film Festivalpresents more than 70 film and digital artworks from 30+ countries over the course of its 25th anniversary virtual celebration: February 8 – March 1, 2022. All screenings/​events are free. www​.mediac​i​ty​film​fes​ti​val​.com