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Alumni Volunteer Opportunities

Learn more about meaningful, rewarding, and fun opportunities for Stamps alumni to connect with current students and your alma mater.

Career Bootcamp

Career Bootcamp, the brainchild of Stamps alums Sara Radin and Shifra Whiteman, provides students with opportunities to learn the ins and outs of networking, interview skills, freelancing and more! Most importantly, Career Bootcamp is designed to give current students a chance to connect with alums, learn from their experiences, and to cultivate a professional network.

By participating in this program, volunteers will:

  • Co-facilitate a workshop on career-related topics
  • Network with current students in an informal atmosphere
  • Connect with current students to possibly form longer lasting relationships/mentoring
Volunteer Commitment

There are 3 ways to participate in Career Bootcamp:

  • Friday evening’s informal networking/pizza party
  • Saturday’s panel discussions and workshops
  • Both Friday and Saturday
  • This event takes place in person on a Friday evening and all day Saturday in mid-October
Time commitment
  • 2 hours on Friday evening (5-7:00 pm), 6.5 hours Saturday (9:30 am-4:00 pm), plus any prep time needed to work with your co-facilitator if conducting a workshop

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From Here to There

A vision of Stamps MFA alum Stephanie Brown Fleming, From Here to There is a series of interviews with Stamps Alums who graduated in the last 5 to 10 years talking about how they got FROM college to where they are now (THERE). These interviews include the nuts and bolts about how alums got their first job, moved across the country, and figured out a lot of stuff that current students (and other alums) need to know!

By participating in this program, volunteers will:

  • Talk about what you wish someone had told you while you were still a student
  • Have a great story to tell? This gives you a platform to tell it!
  • Share advice for what students should be doing now and later
Volunteer Commitment

This is a one hour virtual interview. Sample questions will be provided in advance.

  • One or two interviews per semester, usually on a Tuesday evening
Additional notes
  • Interviews are recorded so students can access them at any time asynchronously

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Immersion Excursions

Immersion Excursions provide opportunities for students to meet with professionals in the creative field, learn about the culture and climate of various organizations, interact with alums, and gain exposure to a vast array of professional opportunities.

By participating in this program, volunteers will:

  • Host a group of Stamps students for a site visit where they will learn about your organization and the opportunities for creatives there (internships, jobs, etc.).
  • Reverse recruiting: you don’t need to come to us, we come to you
Volunteer Commitment

This is an in-person experience, and the time commitment can vary based on your schedule. You can host students for an hour, a half day, or a whole day.

  • Our goal is to host 2 of these immersions per semester
Additional notes
  • Currently, Immersion Excursions are only taking place in Michigan

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Lunch and Learn

Lunch and Learn is a series of presentations from companies and organizations in the creative field. These one-hour sessions invite you to come to the Stamps School and let our students know about your organization, including employment or internship opportunities. Past presentations have included Creatively, P&G, Meta, the Ann Arbor Film Festival, and more.

By participating in this program, volunteers will:

  • Share a presentation about their organization, including opportunities that exist for Stamps students
  • Is your organization already recruiting on campus? Feel free to include a stop at the Stamps School!
Volunteer Commitment

These in-person events usually take place on Fridays, during lunchtime.

  • One hour time commitment
  • Great for local/SE Michigan organizations
  • Can come back for another presentation if you wish
  • Two Lunch and Learn events are hosted each semester, usually on Fridays

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Networking Mixers

Networking mixers provide opportunities for Stamps alums to connect with current students and with each other. Whether the agenda is based on a current topic in the creative field or a more casual meet-and-greet, students always look forward to meeting alums, asking questions, and hearing about their experiences since graduation!

By participating in this program, volunteers will:

  • Have an opportunity to connect with current Stamps students
  • Reconnect with fellow alums
  • Share your experiences and advice with young creatives
Volunteer Commitment

Networking mixers are held virtually and in-person, both locally and regionally, and are open to all alums.

  • Networking mixers happen throughout the year. Watch your email for more information about upcoming events.
Time commitment
  • Usually 30 minutes to 1 hour

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Portfolio Expo

The annual Stamps Portfolio Expo TEST2 provides an opportunity for students to get expert feedback on their work, explore various careers, and participate in professional networking. Stamps welcomes organizations from the non-profit and commercial sectors to engage one-on-one with our students, and allows participating organizations the opportunity to recruit some of the most creative young talent anywhere.

The submission process on the part of students purposely mimics applying for an internship or job:

  • Students submit a resume and link to portfolio in advance
  • Participating organizations/employers review the submitted materials and select with whom they wish to meet on the day of the event
  • Organizations/employers can select up to 9 students to review (unless they are sending multiple reviewers)
  • The event lasts for 3 hours and each review is scheduled for 20 minutes (e.g., 11:00, 11:20, 11:40, etc.)

By participating in this program, volunteers will:

  • Have the chance to hire Stamps students for internships and jobs
  • Give expert feedback to students on their work
  • Make suggestions on how students’ work and presentation materials can be improved
  • Connect or reconnect with Stamps in a meaningful way
Volunteer Commitment

Participation in this event can be either in-person or virtual.


The Portfolio Expo is scheduled on a Thursday in mid-February for those who wish to participate virtually, and the subsequent Friday for those who wish to participate in person.

  • On both days, the event runs from 11am to 2pm
  • You can see students every 20 minutes for a maximum of 9 students in 3 hours
  • Student materials are submitted to you in a timely manner to decide which students you would like to review

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Portfolio Prep and Presentation Workshops

Think of these workshops as “speed dating” for portfolio review. While you are free to comment on the content, what you, as a reviewer, need to focus on more is “effectiveness” in terms of how the student has categorized their work on their online portfolio and how they present/speak about their work. Students have 15 minutes to present their portfolio before moving on to the next reviewer.

By participating in this program, volunteers will:

  • Provide feedback on student work
  • Provide advice on the effectiveness of how the students prepare and present their work
  • Help students better understand what makes a portfolio effective (especially for submission to internship and job opportunities)
  • Make connections to students that can possibly lead to more interaction (mentorship, future advice, etc.)
Volunteer Commitment

This is an in-person program held at the Stamps School.

  • This program is offered once per semester, usually in November and January, on a Friday
Time commitment
  • 1.5 to 2 hours
Additional notes
  • This program is ideal for alums living in SE Michigan who want to support current students.

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Regional Events

Stamps regional events are a great way for alums to connect with each other anywhere in the country. If you live outside of Michigan and are interested in networking with other Stamps alums, consider organizing or hosting a regional event in your city!

By participating in this program, volunteers will:

  • Connect with other Stamps alums who live in the same region

  • Expand social and professional networking opportunities with fellow creatives

Volunteer Commitment

Regional events may be hosted virtually and in-person and are open to all alums who live and/or work in the area. Volunteers will provide support by:

  • Helping to identify and secure a venue

  • Distributing invitations and encouraging attendance

  • Developing an agenda or programming for the event

  • Events can happen anytime during the year and may be hosted virtually and/or in-person.

Time commitment
  • Will vary depending on event

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