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One viewer lies on one of 2 beanbags in a dark room, watching the largely projected video where a mysterious woman marketer is advertising a water product called Choi-Go Water

Making Better Water

Okyoung Noh

Exhibition, CICA Museum (Gimpo, KR), 2022


In this exhibition “Making Better Water,” people can watch the video, <How to Make Better Water>, in chill, sitting on a fluffy beanbag shining with bizarre colors, between a comfort and an air of mystery.

On the video shown at the new exhibition at CICA Museum, anonymous marketing expert, Okyoung Noh, appears and introduces how an unidentified bottled water product can become “better” water through several strategies: such as preparing nice bottle and modern packages, camouflaging it with other popular products, using an iconic catchphrase, and editing the images for SNS.

She wears extremely white, formal clothes and smiles exaggeratedly. Her didactic voice and old-fashioned makeup illustrate her as a person from either a religion or a pyramid scheme. She has everything which is to gain credibility but fails to do, like Choi-Go (“Best”) Water.