2022 Stamps Faculty Promotion & Tenure

After a rigorous faculty review process, several Stamps instructors achieved career milestones. Faculty members serving on the Lecturer Review Committee, Promotion/Tenure Committees, and the Executive Committee participated in this year’s review, and recommended for approval the following individuals for promotions, appointments, or reappointments.
Promotion to the Rank of Professor, with tenure
- Osman Khan
Promotion to the Rank of Lecturer II following 1st Major Review
- Xijin Hiraga
- Lee Marchalonis
Promotion to the Rank of Lecturer IV following 1st Major Review
- Ali Shapiro
Re-Appointment at the Rank of Lecturer II following 2nd Major Review
- Annica Cuppetelli
- Michael McGowan
Re-Appointment at the Rank of Lecturer IV following 2nd Major Review
- Jennifer Metsker
Completion of Continuing Review and Ongoing Appointment at the Rank of Lecturer II
- Joyce Brienza
- Andy Thompson
- Hui Yang
Re-Appointment at the Rank of Lecturer I following Interim Review
- Michael Andrews
- Jocelyn Edin
- David Flaugher