2023 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition

February 10 – March 4, 2023
In-person Event
Stamps Gallery
201 South Division Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Open to the public
Free of charge
The Stamps School’s annual Undergraduate Juried Exhibition is a showcase of the best work produced by Stamps undergraduate students.
For this academic year, we are excited to bring back the Undergraduate Juried Exhibition to its traditional “in-person” format at the Stamps Gallery from February 10 to March 4, 2023.
A highly anticipated Stamps School tradition, the Undergraduate Juried Exhibition provides an opportunity for the school to support students whose creative work is recognized as exceptional by invited jurors, with awards announced at the exhibition reception.
Award Recipients
- Allison Crawford: Opportunity Fund
- Brianna Fox: Robert D. and Betsy D. Richards Memorial Award
- Paige Gilstad: John H. McCluney Memorial Achievement Award
- Catherine Ramsey: Guy Palazzola Memorial Award
- Yasmine Safadi: Opportunity Fund
- Elle Schwiderson: Guy Palazzola Memorial Award
- Siyu Zhong: William A. Lewis Watercolor Prize
Learn more: 2023 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition Awards
Helen Gotlib is from Ann Arbor, Michigan. A lifetime commitment to art has led her to a career as a full time fine artist. Over many years including study at the University Of Michigan School Of Art & Design and Kyoto Seika University she has developed a detail oriented style incorporating drawing, printmaking and mixed media processes. Much of Gotlib’s work has been focused on the life cycle of flora. She has created images of unexpected beauty and emotional power by particularly focusing her attention on dried, dead flowers. Gotlib’s work is exhibited across the country.
Parrish Hanna is a seasoned veteran leader of global User Experience and Design Strategy. His careers have spanned industries including telecom, consumer electronics, entertainment, outdoor adventure, automotive and mobility. And amongst those verticals, he has held leadership positions in global corporations, brand & marketing holding companies, strategic consulting and others.
Carrie Morris is the Founding Director of Detroit Puppet Company, a non-profit arts studio driven by the belief that something as small as a puppet can inspire large social change. You can read more about what she does at detroitpuppetcompany.com.
Related Events
- 2023 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition Opening - February 10, 2023
- 2023 Undergraduate Juried Exhibition: Walkthrough - February 11, 2023
Featured Work

Ellie Behm: Carry Me
Ellie Behm: Carry MeUNDERGRADUATEThese four ceramic pieces were formed with a handmade plaster mold and then altered to contain a ...
Grace Benjamin: Udiong
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Catherine Bennett: Pixilated Diptych
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Laila Burke-Graves: What If We Wandered The Forest?
Laila Burke-Graves: What If We Wandered The Forest?UNDERGRADUATEMy work emulates the unconventional tactics artist Kazuo Oga utilizes to capture the beauty of na...
Yingxi Chen: Visual Musical Instrument
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Amanda Cheung: Eyes of Michigan
Amanda Cheung: Eyes of MichiganUNDERGRADUATE“Eyes of Michigan” is a collective body of work that consists of 50 illustrations of the eyes of ...
Alexandra Collins: Les Yeux Sans Visage (Eyes Without A Face)
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Allison Crawford: Modern Day Lovers
Allison Crawford: Modern Day LoversUNDERGRADUATEThis is a piece that explores the concept of modern day lovers and directly highlights a public d...
Aria Deason: Self Portrait (2021)
Aria Deason: Self Portrait (2021)UNDERGRADUATEThis is the first piece in a planned lifelong series of creating a self-portrait every year to re...
Rachel DeVeyra: Concealment
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Gillian Donoghue: Found then Bound
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Lindsay Farb: Memories Unshared
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Brianna Fox: tedious
Brianna Fox: tediousUNDERGRADUATE“tedious” is describing both visual processes involved with making this print. Both carving the l...
Marta Frank: Sitting In
Marta Frank: Sitting InUNDERGRADUATEMy body has been “the thing” for so long. There are times I feel totally trapped in it, and I've ...
Victor Luis Garcia: What I Could've Been
Victor Luis Garcia: What I Could've BeenUNDERGRADUATEAttending the University of Michigan is a privilege and studying Art and Design is a luxury. As a...
Paige Gilstad: LoBack Meat Co.
Paige Gilstad: LoBack Meat Co.UNDERGRADUATEThis print was inspired by an original photograph of a neon sign at Seattle's Pike Place Market, ...
Rachel Grabow: Planned Parenthood Fundraiser T-Shirt
Rachel Grabow: Planned Parenthood Fundraiser T-ShirtUNDERGRADUATEI designed these T-Shirts to sell and raise money for Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is a...
Madison Grosvenor: Luna: The Julia Butterfly Story
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Mimi Hourihane: Entomology Board
Mimi Hourihane: Entomology BoardUNDERGRADUATEAs an artist, I am drawn (pun intended) towards subject matter that tends to be considered beauti...
Ikalanni Jahi: untitled self portrait
Ikalanni Jahi: untitled self portraitUNDERGRADUATEThis piece was created as a final project for a figure painting course I took, meant to emulate a...
Natalie Keating: With the Woods
Natalie Keating: With the WoodsUNDERGRADUATEThis piece showcases the enchanting connection between children and nature. Exploring and playing...
Sabrina Kliza: Spiraling
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Lauren Kopp: Medieval Gown
Lauren Kopp: Medieval GownUNDERGRADUATEI created this gown in my Garment Design class as a historical piece. I drew inspiration from 19t...
Youhong Rory-Elise Kwan: Almost
Youhong Rory-Elise Kwan: AlmostUNDERGRADUATEMy short film “Almost” is a reflection on my personal journey and growth regarding mental health,...
Madeline Leja: “Fallen Angel” Realized
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Elaine Liu and Sue-Min (Iris) Jung: Aesthetic! Trendy! Asian Vending Machine
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Thaddeus MacKrell: Surrender
Thaddeus MacKrell: SurrenderUNDERGRADUATETo look past the mirror was my intention. Creating a self portrait that accurately reflects what ...
Emily Mann: Landscape
Emily Mann: LandscapeUNDERGRADUATEThe organic forms in the sky are composed of original photographs collected over many years, whic...
Caitlin Martens: Between Friends
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Abby Mason: Y
Abby Mason: YUNDERGRADUATEInspired by Japanese Feminism, “Y” is based on a fluxus performance by Yoko Ono titled, “Cut Piec...
Alex McRill: Intrusion
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Marilyn Mok: It is Better to be an Honest Crow than a Deceitful Magpie
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Moteniola Ogundipe: You’re Not a Team Player
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Elsa Olander: Trust the Process
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Olivia Ortiz: The Commute
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Ian Paglia: The Labyrinths
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Annabel Paul: Stained Glass Earrings
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Grace Queen: Optical Asphyxiation
Grace Queen: Optical AsphyxiationUNDERGRADUATEThrough meticulous washes of oil paint, and an accumulation of transparent layers, the hazy depth...
Catherine Ramsey: ...And God taketh away
Catherine Ramsey: ...And God taketh awayUNDERGRADUATEWhat instills fear in us, what disgusts us, what makes us want to avert our eyes; this is precise...
Casey Rheault: Songs and poems that have kept me company
Casey Rheault: Songs and poems that have kept me companyUNDERGRADUATESongs and poems can often become steady companions. Pieces that beg for you to get to know them m...
Kristina Rogers: Löcher
Kristina Rogers: LöcherUNDERGRADUATE“Löcher” creates a fictional three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface. By creating a ...
Eleanor Rupp: A New Normal
Eleanor Rupp: A New NormalUNDERGRADUATEI painted this model during Fall 2021. During the pandemic, we attempted to carry on with our liv...
Yasmine Safadi: Mazhariyah
Yasmine Safadi: MazhariyahUNDERGRADUATEThis is a piece done in intro to ceramics. It is a historical piece incorporating traditional Isl...
Amber Sankofa: My older brother Malik
Amber Sankofa: My older brother MalikUNDERGRADUATEThis piece was an assignment I did last year for ArtDes 125. It features three pictures of my old...
Rylie Schrotenboer: Gouge Your Eyes
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Elle Schwiderson: Scraping the Edge
Elle Schwiderson: Scraping the EdgeUNDERGRADUATE“Scraping the Edge” is a stop motion animation created by Elle Schwiderson emulating a psychedeli...
Divya Shankar: Ghost
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Saima Siddiqui: DISAMBIGUATIONUNDERGRADUATE“DISAMBIGUATION” is project that begun with my interest in the six fundamentals of earth life fou...
LaNaysha Simms: Faces
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Annika Smits: No. 55
Annika Smits: No. 55UNDERGRADUATEIn the past year, I have become a fan of Formula 1, a high-stakes division of motorsports. The te...
Sawyer Spink: Building the Cabin
Sawyer Spink: Building the CabinUNDERGRADUATEThe image in this linoleum block print is based on the stories I heard growing up about the const...
Sophia Strasburg: How Dare You
Sophia Strasburg: How Dare YouUNDERGRADUATEFrom a young age, girls are taught to banish their anger and carry pain in silence; as we reach w...
Ella Summerhill: Smilodon
Ella Summerhill: SmilodonUNDERGRADUATEThis drawing was done as a still life of the Smilodon skeleton displayed in the Evolution: Life T...
Lucy Sun: We are Stardust
Lucy Sun: We are StardustUNDERGRADUATE“We are Stardust” is a poetry book I wrote and illustrated to find comfort in the juxtaposition t...
Emery Swirbalus: Supply Chain Issues
Emery Swirbalus: Supply Chain IssuesUNDERGRADUATEBack in February of 2022 I was asked to create a tour poster for Jack White's upcoming Supply Cha...
Sutton Theodore: Catholic Boy[s]
Sutton Theodore: Catholic Boy[s]UNDERGRADUATEThis narrative gives a quick glimpse into the uncanny story of my two most cherished characters: ...
Samuel Turner: Bigger Fish
Samuel Turner: Bigger FishUNDERGRADUATEWhen making this piece, I was overtaken by a fear of nuclear annihilation. Painting it helped me ...
Danielle Tutak: Midden
Danielle Tutak: MiddenUNDERGRADUATE“Midden” is an interdisciplinary work that explores the intersections of art and waste from an ar...
Maddie Vassalo: A Visit From a Multi-Dimensional Being
Maddie Vassalo: A Visit From a Multi-Dimensional BeingUNDERGRADUATEA black and white line drawing of three characters in a typical living room. Standing in the corn...
Teddy Verrone: Symbiosis III
Teddy Verrone: Symbiosis IIIUNDERGRADUATEThis installation is the third iteration in a series of artworks highlighting the increasingly in...
Joshua Weiss: Watching The World Spin
Joshua Weiss: Watching The World SpinUNDERGRADUATE“Watching the World Spin” is a handmade relief woodcut printmaking book about living through my f...
Daphne Wilson: In Her Blue Room
Daphne Wilson: In Her Blue RoomUNDERGRADUATEThis is a three-plate laser engraved woodblock self portrait. This self portrait reflects on my c...
Marissa Woods: Martha
Marissa Woods: MarthaUNDERGRADUATEMy artworks focus on gender roles, familial ties, and sustainable practices. This piece represent...
Idris Young: The Only Grace They Could Have Is The Grace They Could Imagine
Idris Young: The Only Grace They Could Have Is The Grace They Could ImagineUNDERGRADUATEThese three photographs are a part of a collection of 8 images inspired by Toni Morrison's Belove...
Siyu Zhong: Koi
Siyu Zhong: KoiUNDERGRADUATEKoi, commonly seen as the symbol of peace and good luck in Chinese culture, was usually kept for ...
201 South Division Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
- Sunday: Closed
- Monday: Closed
- Tuesday: Closed
- Wednesday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
- Friday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm